
The domain administration section gives you access to technical domain settings (server addresses, domain aliases, etc.) as well as default user settings (address books, message filters, storage quotas, archiving, etc.).



The General tab shows the information and options for the selected domain:

Domain names cannot be changed but the following settings can be customized:

  • Description: domain descriptions can be useful, in particular when the installation is made up of several domains and they are similar.
  • Language
  • Alias: you can add as many aliases as you want
    • click "Add" to open a new field and enter a new alias
    • click the trash icon news to the alias box to delete it
  • Maximum number of users: the maximum number of users that can be created in this domain.
    This option is used to distribute users on the domains and limit the number of accounts authorized for one subscription.
  • Password lifetime in days: sets the number of days a user password is valid for after it has been assigned or changed.
    Available from BlueMind 3.5.15, this option is common to all domain users. You can change this value or force-expire a user's password by going into their admin page. To find out more, go to the page Entities > Users.

AD or LDAP connections

The password expiry policy does not apply to users imported from an AD or LDAP directory.


This tab is used to set common filters across all domain users -- filters set in this tab will apply to mail messages of all domain users.

Global filters can, for instance, be used to to move messages marked as "SPAM" automatically by analyzing message headers.

The server runs domain filters BEFORE user filters. This may interfere with user filters working properly (moving to a folder, tagging or forwarding).

Domain filters are managed the same way as user filters:

For detailed information about creating filters and filter options, please go to the page on Message Filters.

Email Archiving Policy

This tab is used to implement a domain's archiving policy.

For more information, see Archiving - 2.3 Enabling message archiving - a) Global archiving


This tab is used to manage domain tags, which are common to all users:

It works similarly as user tags.

Instant Messaging

This tab is used to enable instant messaging either for all users or for specific users or groups:

Mail System

This tab is used to configure the servers that handle the BlueMind mail system for the domain.

In the mail storage section you can set storage quotas for domain users.


This tab is used to set the indexing server addresses for each BlueMind application -- Mail, Contacts, Calendar and Instant Messaging.

BM Services

This tab is used to specify a server address for each BlueMind service (MQ, database, admin console, webmail, etc.) in the domain.


This tab is used to configure and manage synchronization for the AD (ActiveDirectory) or LDAP directories.

For more information on implementing synchronization with external directories, see Administration Système > Synchronisation Active Directory and Administration Système > Synchronisation LDAP.

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