- BM-Core is BlueMind's core component. It serves a a single management center for data and business rules. It is the only component that accesses the database.
All functionalities are exposed as Web Services and can therefore be driven by other applications.
All components, whether internal or external, use Web Services. This is useful for limiting incoming and outgoing BlueMind Mail flows (which are restricted to Web Services flows and mail flows) and ensuring the use of consistent management rules whatever the point of entry of a modification.
Packages supplied with BlueMind
Packages are available in /var/spool/bluemind-pkgs/
Aptitude (Debian/Ubuntu) and yum (RedHat) shell commands allow you to search and list available and/or installed packages.
Data used by BlueMind
- /var/backups/bluemind
The directories listed below contain the configuration of the components used by BlueMind.
- /etc/bm: contains bm.ini, bm-node ssh certificates and keys.
- /etc/bm-core
- /etc/bm-dav
- /etc/bm-eas
- /etc/bm-elasticsearch
- /etc/bm-hps
- /etc/bm-ips: contains ips.ini
- /etc/bm-lmtpd
- /etc/bm-locator: contains certificates
- /etc/bm-milter
- /etc/bm-mq
- /etc/bm-node: contains rsync.excludes
- /etc/bm-tika
- /etc/bm-webmail: contains the configuration of php5-fpm for BlueMind and nginx-webmail.conf
- /etc/bm-xmpp
- /etc/cyrus.conf: configuration of cyrus
- /etc/imapd.conf: configuration of imap (generated by bm-core)
- /etc/nginx: configuration of nginx
- /etc/php5: configuration of php5
- /etc/postfix: configuration of postfix, including transport maps
- /etc/postgresql: configuration of postgresql
The mynetworks parameter is overwritten by the values in the BlueMind admin console.
The directories below contain the web modules and applications. The data they contain is installed by the BlueMind packages and must not be modified.
/usr/share/bm-tika: contains the bm-tika ini file
/usr/share/bm-webmail-conf: contains configurations
/usr/share/bm-xmpp: contains the bm-xmpp ini file
The directories below contain the data used by BlueMind (excluding the data contained in the postgresql database).
- /var/spool/bm-docs
- /var/spool/bm-elasticsearch
- /var/spool/bm-hsm
- /var/spool/cyrus
- /var/spool/postfix
- /var/spool/sieve
- /var/spool/bluemind-pkgs
The data below must not be modified manually.
- /var/lib/bm-ca: contains BlueMind's self-signed certificate
- /var/lib/bm-core
- /var/lib/bm-dav
- /var/lib/bm-eas
- /var/lib/bm-hps
- /var/lib/bm-ips
- /var/lib/bm-lmtpd
- /var/lib/bm-locator
- /var/lib/bm-mq
- /var/lib/bm-mq-data
- /var/lib/bm-node
- /var/lib/bm-pimp
- /var/lib/bm-tika
- /var/lib/bm-tomcat
- /var/lib/bm-xmpp
- /var/lib/cyrus: contains the cyrus database
- /var/lib/postgresql
- /var/lib/ysnp
- /var/log/bm/
- /var/log/bm-backoffice/
- /var/log/bm-dav/
- /var/log/bm-eas/
- /var/log/bm-elasticsearch/
- /var/log/bm-hps/
- /var/log/bm-ips/
- /var/log/bm-kb/
- /var/log/bm-lmtpd/
- /var/log/bm-locator/
- /var/log/bm-mq/
- /var/log/bm-node/
- /var/log/bm-tika/
- /var/log/bm-tomcat/
- /var/log/bm-webmail/
- /var/log/bm-xmpp/
- /var/log/ysnp/
For other components you may want to monitor, the following locations may be used:
- /var/log/mail.err
- /var/log/mail.info
- /var/log/mail.log
- /var/log/mail.warn
- /var/log/nginx/
- /var/log/php5-fpm.log
- /var/log/postgresql/
For more informations, please see Logs