There are 3 types of log files:
- system logs, which rely on log administration mechanisms (rsyslog + logrotate)
BlueMind's Java services log, which rely on LogBack
Track times
Java-generated tracks in these files are set to GMT.
As a result, in France, which is in the Europe/Paris time zone, times are +1h in the winter and +2h in the summer. To find items that took place at 15:00, you need to look for:
- 14:00 from late October to late March
- 13:00 from late March to late October
- internal service logs, managed by each service's configuration.
Storage time depends on each log administration mechanism's settings. These settings can be changed to the desired storage time.
Log files
Les fichiers journaux se trouvent dans le dossier /var/log
et ses sous-dossiers
Component | Package Name | Log File | Type | Description |
BlueMind Core | bm-core | ./bm/core.log | LogBack | Main BlueMind service:
Postfix | postfix | RedHat: ./maillog Debian/Ubuntu:
| System | Postfix forwarding service which sends emails to recipients' mailbox or server. |
Cyrus | bm-cyrus-imapd | RedHat: ./maillog Debian/Ubuntu:
| System | Cyrus IMAP mail service. Permet de:
Webmail | bm-webmail | ./bm-webmail/ :
| LogBack |
Proxy IMAP | bm-ips | ./bm-ips/ips.log | LogBack | Tracks IMAP operations (moved files, deletions, etc.), including when they are carried out from BlueMind webmail |
Synchronisation EAS | bm-eas | ./bm-eas/eas.log | LogBack | Tracks operations carried out to and from mobile devices connected through EAS. In addition, logs for each synchronization file are stored in separate files, which makes the analysis of bugs or erroneous behavior easier. |
Mail forwarding | bm-lmtpd | ./bm-lmtpd/lmtpd.log | LogBack | Service that delivers emails to the corresponding mailbox. Some BlueMind-related operations are carried out here - ICS invitation analysis, for example. |
Localization | bm-locator | ./bm-locator/locator.log | LogBack | Locate user-specific services (mailbox server, etc.) |
Identification | bm-node | ./bm-node/node.log | LogBack | Service that allows the BM-Core server to run system operations on the BlueMind architecture nodes. The log file tracks commands. |
BlueMind web server | bm-webserver | ./bm-webserver/ :
| LogBack | Directory containing log files generated by the webserver service. Includes calendar synchronization tracking. |
Authentication | bm-hps | ./bm-hps/hps.log | LogBack | Tracks successful authentications, authentication issues and sessions started |
Tika | bm-tika | ./bm-tika/tika.log | LogBack | Extracts metadata and document data for the ES index. |
PHP FPM | bm-php-fpm | ./bm-php-fpm:
| LogBack | PHP interpreters. The |
ElasticSearch | bm-elasticsearch | ./bm-elasticsearch | Interne | ElasticSearch service logs.
Possible log configuration modifications to this service may be lost after a BlueMind update. |
Milter | bm-milter | ./bm-milter/milter.log | LogBack | SMTP analysis and modification of emails. |
XMPP | bm-xmpp | ./bm-xmpp/xmpp.log | LogBack | Instant messaging logs. |
YSNP | bm-ysnp | ./bm-ysnp/ysnp.log | LogBack | Service that allows Postfix or Cyrus to obtain or verify data with BlueMind:
PostgreSQL | bm-postgresql | ./postgresql | Interne+logrotate | PostgreSQL database logs. This component's configuration can be edited using the file /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf.local |
NGinx | bm-nginx | ./nginx:
| Interne+logrotate | The NGinx services allows HTTP and HTTPs access to BlueMind.
LogBack configuration
By default, configuration files are located in the directory /usr/share/bm-conf/logs/:
- bm-core-audit.log.xml
- bm-core.log.xml
- bm-eas.log.xml
- bm-hps.log.xml
- bm-ips.log.xml
- bm-lmtpd.log.xml
- bm-locator.log.xml
- bm-milter.log.xml
- bm-node.log.xml
- bm-pimp.log.xml
- bm-tika.log.xml
- bm-webserver.log.xml
- bm-xmpp.log.xml
- bm-ysnp.log.xml
To edit them, copy the file you want to edit into /etc/bm/local
and edit the copy.
Configuration example:
<appender name="R" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> <!--See also --> <File>/var/log/bm/core.log</File> <encoder> <pattern>%d [%thread] %c{1} %p - %m\n</pattern> </encoder> <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy"> <maxIndex>20</maxIndex> <FileNamePattern>/var/log/bm/core.log.%i.gz</FileNamePattern> </rollingPolicy> <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy"> <MaxFileSize>60000KB</MaxFileSize> </triggeringPolicy> </appender
In the example above, the main log file core.log can keep 20 log files of 60Mb each at the most.
For more information about configuration, please refer to the site Log4j or the following documentation: