
BlueMind keeps logs for each type of application and usage.

It is important to have enough diskspace for logs and their archives.

If the diskspace gets too full, new information will no longer be saved which may cause the server to slow down, and possibly services to stop.

On this page:


There are 3 types of log files:

  • system logs, which are managed by system log management mechanisms (rsyslog + logrotate)
  • logs for BlueMind's Java services, managed by LogBack

    Trace times

    The traces generated by Java in these files are on GMT.

    I.e. in France, in the Europe/Paris time zone, the time is GMT +1 in the winter and GMT +2 in the summer. To find events that took place at 3pm, you will need to search:

    • at 14.00 from late October to late March
    • at 13.00 from late March to late October
  • internal service logs, managed via the service's configuration

The duration for which the logs are kept depends on the logs management mechanisms. Their configuration can be modified to the desired duration.

LogBack configuration

Default configuration files are located in the directory /usr/share/bm-conf/logs/:

  • bm-core-audit.log.xml
  • bm-core.log.xml
  • bm-eas.log.xml
  • bm-hps.log.xml
  • bm-ips.log.xml
  • bm-lmtpd.log.xml
  • bm-locator.log.xml
  • bm-milter.log.xml
  • bm-node.log.xml
  • bm-pimp.log.xml
  • bm-tika.log.xml
  • bm-webserver.log.xml
  • bm-xmpp.log.xml
  • bm-ysnp.log.xml

To edit them, copy the file to /etc/bm/local and edit the copy.

Example of configuration:

<appender name="R" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
  <!--See also -->
    <pattern>%d [%thread] %c{1} %p - %m\n</pattern>
  <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
  <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

The example above, about the mail log file core.log, is used to keep 20 log files of 60MB each maximum.

For more information about configuration, please visit the Log4j website or this documentation:

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