Incoming ports
Required/Optional | Port Number | TLS/SSL/PLAIN | Description |
optional | 80 | PLAIN | HTTP redirect to HTTPs port 443 |
required | 443 | SSL | Access to BlueMind |
required | 25 | PLAINTLS | Email delivery Supports SMTP authentication |
optional | 587 | TLS | Sends emails from thick clients SMTP authentication required Prefer this port over port 25 for thick client configurations |
optional | 465 | SSL | Sends emails from thick clients SMTP authentication required Prefer this port over port 25 for thick client configurations |
optional | 143 | PLAIN/TLS | IMAP access for thick clients |
optional | 993 | SSL | IMAP access for thick clients |
optional | 110 | PLAIN/TLS | POP access for thick clients - not recommended |
optional | 995 | SSL | POP access for thick clients - not recommended |
optional | 5222 | PLAIN/TLS | IM access for thick clients |
optional | 5223 | SSL | IM access for thick clients |
optional | 5269 | TLS | XMPP server-to-server communications for interconnection with XMPP from other domains |
Internal ports
Port number | Service |
24 | cyrus LMTP |
144 | IPS |
1110 | cyrus pop |
1143 | cyrus imap |
2000 | cyrus sieve |
2400 | BM LMTP |
2500 | BM milter |
5280, 5290 | BM XMPP |
5432 | postgresql |
5701:5715 | hazelcast |
8021, 8022 | BM node |
8079 | BM HPS |
8080 | BM webserver |
8082 | BM push |
8084 | BM locator |
8087 | BM Tika |
8090 | BM core |
9083, 9086, 9090, 9099 | BM influxdb |
9200, 9300 | BM Elasticsearch |
Content Tools