
 Available starting from BlueMind version 3.5.5, the monitoring console is a tool that enables you to check the health of a BlueMind server quickly. It checks server settings, memory and available space as well as many internal BlueMind components.

All checks can be accessed through the API, which means the monitoring console can be integrated into all monitoring systems. Please note that it does not substitute for a monitoring system and does not manage result history.

On this page:



Install the node-monitoring plugin on all servers:

aptitude install bm-plugin-node-monitoring


Then the following two plugins on the main server:

aptitude install bm-plugin-core-monitoring bm-plugin-admin-console-monitoring

The first enables you to communicate with previously installed nodes and the second provides the admin console's graphical interface.

Finally, restart BlueMind:

bmctl restart

Using the Monitoring Console

Once installed, a new section named "Monitoring console" appears in the admin console:

Access to the monitoring console

Access to the monitoring console is subject to the assignation of a role. Administrators with access to the admin console will see the new section, but it remains grayed out until they are assigned the proper role.

To enable access to this section, the user/administrator must be granted the new role now available in the user's directory entry form ("General" tab):

To find out more about user roles, go to the page Gestion des entités > Users

Clicking the link opens the monitoring scripts and shows the status of the server and services:

  • The "General information" section shows general BlueMind information: number of users and groups, subscription information, installed version
  • the top right corner shows the system information for the main server BlueMind is installed on
  • the main section shows the status of services.
    • The  buttons allow you to filter the processes according to their status: the table will show the services whose status match the button(s) that are enabled.
    • Clicking a column header sorts that column alphabetically.
      Clicking a column that is already sorted reverses that column's sorting order.



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