To simplify the process of setting up a BlueMind plugin project, a Maven archetype is available in the BlueMind repository.
Creating the project:
To create the project you will need to execute following command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
Choose the archetype "net.bluemind.sample.parent-archetype" which should be the only option available.
The project will be created in interactive mode:
groupId: net.bluemind
artifactId: <the general artifactId of the plugin>
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: <the base java package>
project-artifactId: <the specific artifactId of the plugin implementation>
If, for example, you want to develop a "filehosting" plugin which will be implemented using the filesystem, you would answer the questions as follows:
groupId: net.bluemind
artifactId: net.bluemind.filehosting
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: net.bluemind.filehosting.filesystem
project-artifactId: filehosting.filesystem
Notice, that you don't need to prefix the project-artifactId with "net.bluemind"
Building the project:
The created project will contain a parent maven project with 2 sub-modules, one for the implementation, the other for unit- and integration tests.
All necessary dependencies to BlueMind and 3-party libraries are automatically added to the OSGI Manifest.
To build the project execute following command in the root folder of your newly created project:
maven clean install