<p>Please contact your administrator or reseller if you wish to renew it.</p><p>Otherwise, beyond that date, your BlueMind solution will still be working but aditionnal services provided by the BlueMind subscription won't be available :<ul><li>BlueMind's support</li><li>Active Directory connector</li><li>Outlook connector</li><li>Update wizard</li></ul></p>
<p>Your subscription has expired, you have to make a choice : <ul><li>not renew it and give subscription services up,</li><li>renew it : contact your BlueMind reseller to do so.</li></ul> If there is no action on your part, BlueMind will be locked in {0} days waiting for your choice.</p>
<p>You can: <ul><li>contact your reseller to rectify the situation</li><li>delete users to reach the number allowed</li></ul> If there is no action on your part, BlueMind will be locked in {0} days waiting for your choice. </p>
<p>You can: <ul><li>contact your reseller to rectify the situation</li><li>Remove the full visio conferencing role from users or groups (currently there are {0} users owning the corresponding role) to reach the number allowed ({1})</li></ul></p>
You have exceeded the number of users allowed by your subcription. You can delete users or contact your reseller to rectify the situation. Without any action on your part, accounts will be locked in XX days.
<p>You can: <ul><li>contact your reseller to rectify the situation</li><li>delete users to reach the number allowed</li></ul></p>
<p>Your BlueMind instance uses a Host subscription that requires a statement of information.</p><p>The absence of a statement can go as far as causing the server to be blocked.</p><p>An attempt to send the report is made automatically once a week. Use the following button to manually execute send the report.</p>
<p>Please contact your administrator or reseller if you wish to renew it.</p><p>Otherwise, beyond that date, your BlueMind solution will still be working but BlueMind.Video will be limited to the free tier <ul><li>2 users per conference</li><li>45 minutes time limit</li></ul></p>
<p>Your BlueMind.Video subscription has expired, you have to make a choice : <ul><li>not renew it and give subscription services up,</li><li>renew it : contact your BlueMind reseller to do so.</li></ul> If there is no action on your part, BlueMind.Video will return to free tier in {0} days.</p>