"alert.mail.corporate_signature_inserted.info" = "A signature set by your organization replaces your personal signature."; "alert.mail.corporate_signature_removed.info" = "The signature set by your organization has been withdrawn."; "alert.mail.create_folder.loading" = "Folder \"{name}\" is being created..."; "alert.mail.create_folder.success" = "Folder {name} created!"; "alert.mail.create_folder.error" = "Failed to create folder \"{name}\" !"; "alert.mail.draft_exceeds_max_message_size.reason" = "Your message can't be saved because it exceeds {size}."; "alert.mail.draft_exceeds_max_message_size.advice" = "Try reducing message content or removing attachments."; "alert.mail.empty_folder.loading" = "Folder \"{name}\" is being emptied..."; "alert.mail.empty_folder.success" = "Folder \"{name}\" has been emptied."; "alert.mail.empty_folder.error" = "Failed to empty folder \"{name}\"."; "alert.mail.event_not_found.warning" = "Unable to access this event's information. It may have been deleted, or you do not have permissions to the calendar in which it is located."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_flagged.loading" = "Conversation is being flagged...|Conversations are being flagged..."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_flagged.success" = "Successfully flagged conversation.|Successfully flagged {count} conversations."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_flagged.error" = "Failed to flag conversation.|Failed to flag conversations."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unflagged.loading" = "Removing flag from conversation...|Removing flag from conversations..."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unflagged.success" = "Successfully removed flag from conversation.|Successfully removed flag from conversations."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unflagged.error" = "Failed to remove flag from conversation.|Failed to remove flag from conversations."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_read.loading" = "Conversation is being marked as read.|Conversations are being marked as read."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_read.success" = "Successfully marked conversation as read.|Successfully marked conversations as read."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_read.error" = "Failed to mark conversation as read.|Failed to mark conversations as read."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unread.loading" = "Conversation is being marked as unread.|Conversations are being marked as unread."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unread.success" = "Successfully marked conversation as unread.|Successfully marked conversations as unread."; "alert.mail.mark_conversations_as_unread.error" = "Failed to mark conversation as unread.|Failed to mark conversations as unread."; "alert.mail.mark_folder_as_read.loading" = "Folder {name} is beeing been marked as read..."; "alert.mail.mark_folder_as_read.success" = "Folder {name} has been marked as read!"; "alert.mail.mark_folder_as_read.error" = "Failed to mark folder {name} as read!"; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_flagged.loading" = "{count} messages are being flagged..."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_flagged.success" = "Successfully flagged {count} messages."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_flagged.error" = "Failed to flag selected messages."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.loading.single" = "\"{subject}\" is being recovered from the {trash}..."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.loading.plural" = "{count} messages are being recovered..."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.success.single" = "\"{subject}\" has been recovered from the {trash}."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.success.plural" = "{count} messages were retrieved from the {trash}."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.error.single" = "\"{subject}\" could not be recovered."; "alert.mail.unexpunge.error.plural" = "{count} messages could not be recovered."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_read.loading" = "Marking selected {count} as read..."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_read.success" = "Successfully marked {count} messages as read."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_read.error" = "Failed to mark selected messages as read."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unflagged.loading" = "Removing flag from {count} messages..."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unflagged.success" = "Successfully removed flag from {count} messages."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unflagged.error" = "Failed to remove flag from selected messages."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unread.loading" = "Marking {count} messages as unread..."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unread.success" = "Successfully marked {count} messages as unread."; "alert.mail.mark_messages_as_unread.error" = "Failed to mark selected messages as unread."; "alert.mail.max_recipients_exceeded.error" = "The maximum number of {max} recipients is exceeded."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.loading.single" = "Conversation \"{subject}\" is being moved to {folder}..."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.loading.plural" = "{count} conversations are being moved to {folder}..."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.success.single" = "Successfully moved \"{subject}\" to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.success.plural" = "Successfully moved {count} conversations to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.error.single" = "Failed to move conversation \"{subject}\" to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_conversations.error.plural" = "Failed to move selected conversations to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_messages.loading.single" = "\"{subject}\" is being moved to {folder}..."; "alert.mail.move_messages.loading.plural" = "Moving {count} messages to {folder}..."; "alert.mail.move_messages.success.single" = "\"{subject}\" has been successfully moved to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_messages.success.plural" = "{count} messages have been successfully moved to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_messages.error.single" = "Failed to move \"{subject}\" to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_messages.error.plural" = "Failed to move selected messages to {folder}."; "alert.mail.move_folder.loading" = "\"{folder}\" is being moved to {destination}..."; "alert.mail.move_folder.success" = "\"{folder}\" has been successfully moved to {destination}."; "alert.mail.move_folder.error" = "Failed to move \"{folder}\" to {destination}."; "alert.mail.move_folder.to_mailbox_root" = "the root of {mailbox}"; "alert.mail.private_event_not_sent_to_delegates.warning" = "Delegates did not receive this private invitation."; "alert.mail.read_only_folder.info" = "Read-only message. Some actions (like Move or Remove) may not be available."; "alert.mail.rename_folder.loading" = "Folder is being renamed into {name}..."; "alert.mail.rename_folder.success" = "Folder renamed to {name}!"; "alert.mail.rename_folder.error" = "Failed to renaming folder to \"{name}\"."; "alert.mail.remove_conversations.loading" = "Conversation \"{subject}\" is being removed permanently...|{count} conversations are being removed permanently..."; "alert.mail.remove_conversations.success" = "Conversation \"{subject}\" has been removed permanently.|{count} conversations have been successfully removed permanently.."; "alert.mail.remove_conversations.error" = "Failed to remove conversation \"{subject}\".| Failed to remove selected conversations."; "alert.mail.remove_folder.loading" = "Folder \"{name}\" is being removed..."; "alert.mail.remove_folder.success" = "Folder {name} removed!"; "alert.mail.remove_folder.error" = "Failed to remove folder \"{name}\"!"; "alert.mail.remove_messages.loading" = "\"{subject}\" is being removed permanently...|{count} messages are being removed permanently..."; "alert.mail.remove_messages.success" = "\"{subject}\" has been removed permanently.|{count} messages have been successfully removed permanently.."; "alert.mail.remove_messages.error" = "Failed to remove \"{subject}\".| Failed to remove selected messages."; "alert.mail.save_as_template.loading" = "Saving \"{subject}\" as a template in progress..."; "alert.mail.save_as_template.success" = "\"{subject}\" successfully saved as template!"; "alert.mail.save_as_template.error" = "\"{subject}\" has not been saved as a template: {reason}"; "alert.mail.save_as_draft.loading" = "Saving \"{subject}\" as a draft in progress..."; "alert.mail.save_as_draft.success" = "\"{subject}\" successfully saved as draft!"; "alert.mail.save_as_draft.error" = "\"{subject}\" has not been saved as a draft: {reason}"; "alert.mail.send_message.loading" = "Sending \"{subject}\" in progress..."; "alert.mail.send_message.error" = "\"{subject}\" has not been sent: {reason}"; "alert.mail.send_message.success" = "\"{subject}\" successfully sent!"; "alert.mail.video_conference.info" = "Join the videoconference."; "alert.mail.attach_eml.fetch.error" = "Failed to retrieve message in EML format. Unable to attach it."; "alert.mail.disposition_notification.info" = "{sender} asks for a reading confirmation."; "alert.mail.disposition_notification.info.action" = "Send the reading confirmation?"; "alert.mail.disposition_notification.info.pref" = "Change my preferences"; "alert.mail.forward_eml.fetch.error" = "Failed to retrieve message in EML format. Unable to forward it."; "alert.mail.forwarded_event.info" = "This invitation sent by {sender} is for an event organized by {organizer}."; "alert.mail.notify_organizer.info" = "{organizer} will be notified when new participants are added."; "alert.mail.mdn_sent.success" = "Reading confirmation sent to {recipient}"; "alert.mail.mdn_sent.error" = "Failed to send the reading confirmation"; "alert.mail.message.draft.attach.error" = "Attachment error. Try again."; "mail.actions.add_contact" = "Add contact"; "mail.actions.add_contact.tooltip" = "Add the contact to your address book"; "mail.actions.attach.aria" = "Attach a file"; "mail.actions.attach" = "Attach"; "mail.actions.attach.too_large" = "File too large | Files too large"; "mail.actions.choose_folder.modal.combo.label" = "Destination folder"; "mail.actions.create.folder" = "Create a new folder"; "mail.actions.download_eml" = "Download EML file"; "mail.actions.edit" = "Edit"; "mail.actions.edit_as_new" = "Edit as new"; "mail.actions.edit_from_template.aria" = "New message using template \"{subject}\""; "mail.actions.edit_from_template" = "Use template"; "mail.actions.extend" = "Extend"; "mail.actions.folder.invalid.empty" = "Folder name cannot be empty"; "mail.actions.folder.invalid.already_exist" = "This folder name is already used"; "mail.actions.folder.invalid.too_long" = "Folder name is too long"; "mail.actions.folder.subfolder.forbidden" = "Forbidden subfolders"; "mail.actions.forward_eml" = "Forward as attachment"; "mail.actions.mark_read" = "Mark as read"; "mail.actions.mark_read.aria" = "Mark \"{subject}\" as read | Mark selected messages as read"; "mail.actions.mark_conversations_read.aria" = "Mark \"{subject}\" as read | Mark selected conversations as read"; "mail.actions.mark_unread" = "Mark as unread"; "mail.actions.mark_unread.aria" = "Mark \"{subject}\" as unread | Mark selected messages as unread"; "mail.actions.mark_conversations_unread.aria" = "Mark \"{subject}\" as unread | Mark selected conversations as unread"; "mail.actions.mark_flagged" = "Flag"; "mail.actions.mark_flagged.aria" = "{subject} not flagged, click to flag | Flag selected messages"; "mail.actions.mark_conversations_flagged.aria" = "{subject} not flagged, click to flag | Flag selected conversations"; "mail.actions.mark_unflagged" = "Remove flag"; "mail.actions.mark_unflagged.aria" = "{subject} flagged, click to remove flag | Remove flag from selected messages"; "mail.actions.unexpunge" = "Recover"; "mail.actions.unexpunge.aria" = "Recover the \"{subject}\" message | Recover {count} messages"; "mail.actions.mark_conversations_unflagged.aria" = "{subject} flagged, click to remove flag | Remove flag from selected conversations"; "mail.actions.move_folder.aria" = "Move folder {name}"; "mail.actions.move_folder.excluded_folder.descendant" = "Unable to move to its subfolders"; "mail.actions.move_folder.excluded_folder.parent" = "Unable to move to parent"; "mail.actions.move_folder.excluded_folder.same" = "Unable to move to itself"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.to_root" = "Move folder to the root of {mailbox}"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.warning.child" = "Can't move a folder to a child folder"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.warning.other_mailbox" = "Can't move folder to another mailbox"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.warning.parent" = "This folder is already in {name}"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.warning.readonly" = "Can't move folder to {path} (read only)"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item.warning.self" = "Can't move folder to itself"; "mail.actions.move_folder.item" = "Move folder to {name}"; "mail.actions.move_folder.title" = "Move folder {name}"; "mail.actions.move_message.excluded_folder.root" = "Unable to move to root folder"; "mail.actions.move_message.excluded_folder.same" = "Unable to move to the same folder"; "mail.actions.move.aria" = "Move \"{subject}\" | Move selected messages"; "mail.actions.move.conversations.aria" = "Move \"{subject}\" | Move selected conversations"; "mail.actions.move.item.warning.readonly" = "Can't move message in {path} (read only)"; "mail.actions.move.item.warning.self" = "This message is already in {path}"; "mail.actions.move.item" = "Move message to {path} | Move selected messages to {path}"; "mail.actions.move" = "Move"; "mail.actions.other" = "Other actions"; "mail.actions.purge.modal.content" = "Remove message \"{subject}\" permanently? | Remove selected messages permanently?"; "mail.actions.purge.draft.modal.content" = "Remove draft \"{subject}\" saved on {date} ?"; "mail.actions.purge.draft.modal.content.time" = "Remove draft \"{subject}\" saved at {time} ?"; "mail.actions.purge.conversations.modal.content" = "Remove conversation \"{subject}\" permanently? | Remove selected conversations permanently?"; "mail.actions.purge.modal.title" = "Remove a message | Remove messages"; "mail.actions.purge.draft.modal.title" = "Remove a draft"; "mail.actions.purge.conversations.modal.title" = "Remove a conversation | Remove conversations"; "mail.actions.purge" = "Remove permanently"; "mail.actions.remove.aria" = "Remove \"{subject}\" | Remove selected messages"; "mail.actions.remove.conversations.aria" = "Remove \"{subject}\" | Remove selected conversations"; "mail.actions.remove.compose.aria" = "Remove message being written"; "mail.actions.remove" = "Remove"; "mail.actions.save.aria" = "Save message being written"; "mail.actions.send.aria" = "Send message being written"; "mail.actions.send" = "Send"; "mail.actions.send_message.tooltip" = "Send a message to '{address}'"; "mail.actions.show_sender" = "Display \"From\" field"; "mail.actions.show_source" = "Show source code"; "mail.actions.spam.aria" = "Report this message as spam"; "mail.actions.spam" = "Spam"; "mail.actions.textformat.hide.aria" = "Hide the text formatting toolbar"; "mail.actions.textformat.show.aria" = "Show the text formatting toolbar"; "mail.application.title" = "Mail"; "mail.application.region.folderlist" = "Folder list"; "mail.application.region.mailtools" = "Message tools"; "mail.application.region.messagecontent" = "Message Content"; "mail.application.region.message" = "Message"; "mail.application.region.messagelist" = "Message list"; "mail.application.region.conversation" = "Message thread"; "mail.attachment.untitled" = "Untitled - ({mimeType})"; "mail.compose.forward.prev.message.info.title" = "---- Original Message ----"; "mail.compose.forward.prev.message.info.date" = "Date"; "mail.compose.forward.prev.message.info.from" = "From"; "mail.compose.forward.prev.message.info.subject" = "Subject"; "mail.compose.reply.body" = "On {date}, {name} wrote:"; "mail.content.alert.images.blocked" = "Remote content has been blocked to protect your privacy."; "mail.content.alert.images.show" = "Show content"; "mail.content.alert.images.trust.sender" = "Always trust content from {sender}"; "mail.content.alert.readonly" = "Read-only message. Some actions (like Move or Remove) may not be available."; "mail.content.blindcopy" = "blind copy"; "mail.content.body" = "Message content"; "mail.content.copy" = "copy"; "mail.content.download" = "Download {fileType} '{name}'."; "mail.content.file-type" = "File type: {fileType}."; "mail.content.file-type-audio" = "Audio"; "mail.content.file-type-code" = "Code"; "mail.content.file-type-compressed" = "Archive"; "mail.content.file-type-data" = "Binary"; "mail.content.file-type-excel" = "Spreadsheet"; "mail.content.file-type-ics" = "Calendar"; "mail.content.file-type-image" = "Image"; "mail.content.file-type-message" = "Message"; "mail.content.file-type-pdf" = "PDF"; "mail.content.file-type-presentation" = "Presentation"; "mail.content.file-type-system" = "System"; "mail.content.file-type-unknown" = "Unknown"; "mail.content.file-type-video" = "Video"; "mail.content.file-type-word" = "Document"; "mail.content.file-type-certificate" = "Certificate"; "mail.content.open-new-tab" = "Open '{name}' in a new tab"; "mail.content.print" = "Print {fileType} '{name}'."; "mail.content.forward.message" = "Forward message"; "mail.content.reply_all.aria" = "Reply all"; "mail.content.reply.aria" = "Reply"; "mail.content.sender_suffix" = "(sent by {name})"; "mail.content.to" = "to"; "mail.conversation.icon.title" = "Conversation of {count} messages"; "mail.conversations.selected" = "{count} conversations selected"; "mail.conversation.show.middle.messages" = "Show {count} messages"; "mail.draft.not.sent" = "This message has not been sent"; "mail.empty" = "is empty."; "mail.error.email.address.invalid" = "Invalid email address."; "mail.folder.access.limited" = "Limited access"; "mail.folder.create_subfolder" = "Create a subfolder"; "mail.folder.filter.no_results" = "No results"; "mail.folder.filter.remove" = "Clear filter"; "mail.folder.filter.show_more" = "Show more"; "mail.folder.mark_read" = "Mark all as read"; "mail.folder.move" = "Move folder"; "mail.folder.new.from_pattern" = "{0} (New folder)"; "mail.folder.new.from_scratch" = "New folder"; "mail.folder.rename" = "Rename folder"; "mail.folder.search.placeholder" = "Filter my folders"; "mail.folder.search.tooltip" = "Active filter. Remove it to show all folders"; "mail.folder.unread" = "Unread messages counter: {count}"; "mail.folder" = "Folder"; "mail.folders.groups" = "Group folders"; "mail.ics.accepted.tentatively" = "Invitation tentatively accepted"; "mail.ics.accepted" = "Invitation accepted"; "mail.ics.counter.declined" = "{attendee} declined and proposes a new schedule"; "mail.ics.counter.schedule.proposal.accept" = "Meeting update"; "mail.ics.counter.schedule.proposal.decline" = "Decline"; "mail.ics.counter.schedule.proposal.exception" = "New schedule proposal for one of the occurrences"; "mail.ics.counter.schedule.proposal.handled" = "Proposal handled"; "mail.ics.counter.schedule.proposal" = "New schedule proposal"; "mail.ics.counter.tentative" = "{attendee} tentatively accepted and proposes a new schedule"; "mail.ics.counter" = "{attendee} proposed a new schedule"; "mail.ics.declined" = "Invitation declined"; "mail.ics.for" = " for {owner}"; "mail.ics.got_invited" = "{organizer} invited you at {summary}"; "mail.ics.resource_got_invited" = "{organizer} would like to reserve this resource for event {summary}"; "mail.ics.resourcebooking.accepted.tentatively" = "Reservation tentatively accepted"; "mail.ics.resourcebooking.accepted" = "Reservation accepted"; "mail.ics.resourcebooking.declined" = "Reservation refused"; "mail.ics.resourcebooking" = "This message contains a resource booking"; "mail.ics" = "This message contains an invitation{for}"; "mail.list.filter.all" = "All"; "mail.list.filter.aria" = "Message filters"; "mail.list.filter.flagged" = "Flagged"; "mail.list.filter.remove" = "Remove current filter"; "mail.list.filter.tooltip" = "Message filtering option"; "mail.list.filter.unread" = "Unread"; "mail.list.flagged.aria" = "Flagged"; "mail.list.flagged.none" = "No flagged messages."; "mail.list.forwarded.aria" = "Forwarded"; "mail.list.menu.filter.flagged" = "flagged"; "mail.list.menu.filter.unread" = "unread"; "mail.list.menu.filter" = "Filter"; "mail.list.menu.sort" = "Sort"; "mail.list.range.future" = "Future"; "mail.list.range.last_month" = "Last month"; "mail.list.range.last_week" = "Last week"; "mail.list.range.older" = "Older"; "mail.list.range.past_month" = "{date}"; "mail.list.range.past_year" = "{date}"; "mail.list.range.size" = "< {max}|{min} - {max}|{min} +"; "mail.list.range.this_month" = "This month"; "mail.list.range.this_week" = "This week"; "mail.list.range.today" = "Today"; "mail.list.range.yesterday" = "Yesterday"; "mail.list.recoverable.header" = "Messages deleted from the trash can be recovered."; "mail.list.recoverable.empty" = "There are no recoverable messages"; "mail.list.recoverable.link" = "No recoverable messages | Recover messages ({count}) | Recover messages ({count})"; "mail.list.recoverable.loading" = "Search for recoverable messages"; "mail.list.replied.aria" = "Replied"; "mail.list.search.no_result" = "No message containing {pattern} has been found."; "mail.list.search.no_result.folder" = "No message containing {pattern} has been found in {folder}{sub}."; "mail.list.search.no_result.deep" = " and its subfolders"; "mail.list.sr_info.attachment" = "Contains one or more attachments."; "mail.list.sr_info.event" = "Contains an event."; "mail.list.sr_info.flagged" = "Flagged."; "mail.list.sr_info.forwarded" = "Forwarded."; "mail.list.sr_info.props" = "{flagged}{unread}{read}{event}{attachment}{replied}{forwarded}"; "mail.list.sr_info.read" = "Already read."; "mail.list.sr_info.replied" = "Replied."; "mail.list.sr_info.title" = "Message:"; "mail.list.sr_info.unread" = "Unread."; "mail.list.sr_info" = "{title}{props}"; "mail.list.unread.none" = "No unread messages."; "mail.mailbox.quota.used" = "{usedQuotaPercentage} % storage used"; "mail.main.new" = "New message"; "mail.main.new_full" = "Write a new message"; "mail.main.switch.webmail" = "Try the new webmail"; "mail.message.found_none" = "No message found"; "mail.message.found" = "1 message found | {count} messages found"; "mail.message.max_size" = "Message size is limited to {size}"; "mail.message.select.all.folder" = "Select all messages from"; "mail.message.select.all.search" = "Select all messages from search"; "mail.message.selected" = "{count} messages selected"; "mail.message.starter" = "Select an item"; "mail.message.starter.display.drafts" = "View drafts"; "mail.message.starter.display.inbox" = "Go back to inbox"; "mail.message.starter.display.outbox" = "View messages waiting to be sent"; "mail.message.starter.display.recoverable" = "View recoverable messages"; "mail.message.starter.display.sent" = "View sent messages"; "mail.message.starter.display.templates" = "View templates"; "mail.message.starter.draft.details" = "This folder contains messages you have started composing and have not yet sent."; "mail.message.starter.recoverable.details" = "to recover from trash"; "mail.message.starter.elements_counts" = "1 item|{count} items"; "mail.message.starter.outbox.details" = "This folder contains the messages that have not yet reached your mail server for technical reasons (connection, server state)."; "mail.message.starter.sent.details" = "This folder contains the messages that have reached your mail server to be sent to their recipients."; "mail.message.starter.shared.info" = "You are in a shared folder."; "mail.message.starter.templates" = "Choose a template"; "mail.message.starter.templates.details" = "to use it for a new message or modify it"; "mail.messages.multiple.drag_shadow" = "The selected thread | {count} selected threads"; "mail.new.attachments.drop.zone" = "Drop your file as attachment | Drop your files as attachments"; "mail.new.attachments.eml.drop.zone" = "Drop your message as attachment | Drop your messages as attachments"; "mail.new.attachments.images.drop.zone" = "Drop your image as attachment | Drop your images as attachments"; "mail.new.images.drop.zone" = "Drop your image right into the message | Drop your images right into the message"; "mail.new.subject.aria" = "Message subject"; "mail.new.subject.placeholder" = "Define your message subject"; "mail.new.to.placeholder" = "Subject"; "mail.preview.message" = "Message"; "mail.preview.previous" = "Show previous attachment"; "mail.preview.open" = "Open the preview"; "mail.preview.next" = "Show next attachment"; "mail.preview.nopreview.large" = "This file is too large to preview"; "mail.preview.nopreview.type" = "This type of file is not previewable"; "mail.preview.nopreview.invalid" = "This shared link is invalid"; "mail.preview.nopreview" = "This file is not previewable"; "mail.recoverable.back" = "Back to Trash"; "mail.recoverable" = "Messages to recover"; "mail.search.options.folder.current" = "This folder"; "mail.search.options.folder.label" = "Search in"; "mail.search.options.modal.title" = "Search parameters"; "mail.search.context.all" = "All folders"; "mail.search.context.current_folder_and_descendants" = "{folder} and its subfolders"; "mail.search.context.current_folder" = "{folder} only"; "mail.search.label.contains" = "Contains"; "mail.search.label.subject" = "Subject"; "mail.search.label.filename" = "File name"; "mail.search.label.higher" = "More than"; "mail.search.label.lower" = "Less than"; "mail.search.section.msg_and_attachments" = "Message and attachments"; "mail.search.section.contacts" = "Contacts"; "mail.selection.alert.readonly" = "Some selected messages are read-only. Some actions (like Move or Remove) may not be available."; "mail.state.unread" = "Unread"; "mail.state.flagging" = "Flagging"; "mail.topframe.dsn.delivery_date" = "Delivered on {dates}"; "mail.topframe.dsn.failed.notice" = "Please contact your administrator for more details."; "mail.topframe.dsn.failed.summary.no_subject" = "Your message could not be delivered to {recipient}."; "mail.topframe.dsn.failed.summary" = "\"{subject}\" could not be delivered to {recipient}."; "mail.topframe.dsn.summary.no_subject" = "Your message has been delivered to {recipient}."; "mail.topframe.dsn.summary" = "\"{subject}\" has been delivered to {recipient}."; "mail.topframe.mdn.notice" = "There is no guarantee that the recipient has read the message content."; "mail.topframe.mdn.opened_date" = "Opened on {date}"; "mail.topframe.mdn.summary.no_subject" = "Your message has been opened by par {sender}."; "mail.topframe.mdn.summary" = "\"{subject}\" has been opened by {sender}."; "mail.topframe.report.send_date" = "Sent on {date}"; "mail.toolbar.more.aria" = "Other actions for selected messages"; "mail.toolbar.more" = "Others"; "mail.toolbar.move.tooltip" = "Move message"; "mail.viewer.no.name" = "(Untitled)"; "mail.viewer.no.preview" = "(No preview available)"; "mail.viewer.no.subject" = "(No subject)"; "mail.viewer.invitation.accept" = "Yes"; "mail.viewer.invitation.attendee" = "Attendee ({count}) | Attendees ({count})"; "mail.viewer.invitation.resource" = "Resource ({count}) | Resources ({count})"; "mail.viewer.invitation.description" = "Description"; "mail.viewer.invitation.conference" = "Join the videoconference"; "mail.viewer.invitation.decline" = "No"; "mail.viewer.invitation.request" = "Accept invitation?"; "mail.viewer.invitation.request.delegate" = "Accept invitation {for}?"; "mail.viewer.invitation.request.delegate_for" = "for {name}"; "mail.viewer.invitation.tentatively" = "Maybe"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.event" = "{name} has {status} the invitation."; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.event.not" = "{name} has {status} the invitation."; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.occurrence" = "{name} has {status} of the event."; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.occurrence.not" = "{name} has {status} of the event."; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.event.accepted" = "accepted"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.occurrence.accepted" = "accepted an occurrence"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.event.tentative" = "tentatively accepted"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.occurrence.tentative" = "tentatively accepted an occurrence"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.event.declined" = "declined"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.occurrence.declined" = "declined an occurrence"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.event.needs_action" = "not yet answered"; "mail.viewer.invitation.reply.status.occurrence.needs_action" = "not yet answered an occurence"; "mail.viewer.invitation.cancelled.event" = "{name} has {status}."; "mail.viewer.invitation.cancelled.status" = "cancelled the event"; "mail.viewer.invitation.cancelled.occurrence" = "{name} has {status} of the event."; "mail.viewer.invitation.cancelled.status.occurrence" = "cancelled an occurrence"; "mail.viewer.invitation.not_found.event" = "This message refers to an event that {status}."; "mail.viewer.invitation.not_found.status" = "does not exist in your calendar"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.added_attendees" = "Added attendee ({count}) | Added attendees ({count})"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.added_attendees.refuse" = "Reject {attendee} | Reject the {count} added attendees | Reject all added attendees"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.rejected_attendees" = "Rejected attendee ({count}) | Rejected attendees ({count})"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.event" = "{name} has {status} the invitation and {counter}."; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.occurrence" = "{name} has {status} of the event and {counter}."; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.status" = "has suggested a new time"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.accept" = "Update the meeting"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.decline" = "Decline the new time"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.declined" = "Your proposal for a new schedule has been {status}."; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.declined.status" = "refused"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.decline_short" = "Decline"; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.answered" = "You have already answered this proposal."; "mail.viewer.invitation.counter.attendees" = "Your invitation has been forwarded."; "mail.viewer.invitation.not_found.title" = "Unable to access information for this event."; "mail.viewer.invitation.not_found.description" = "It may have been deleted, or you do not have access to its calendar."; "mail.viewer.invitation.private.restricted" = "{user} has not given you the permission to see his private events"; "mail.viewer.invitation.remove_event" = "Remove from calendar"; "mail.viewer.invitation.confirm_remove_event" = "Remove this event from the calendar?"; "mail.viewer.invitation.private_event" = "The content of this event is private"; "mail.actions.move_folder_to_trash.modal.title" = "Remove folder"; "mail.actions.move_folder_to_trash.modal.content.with_subfolder" = "Remove folder \"{name}\"? The folder and all of its subfolders will be moved to the Trash folder."; "mail.actions.move_folder_to_trash.modal.content.without_subfolder" = "Remove folder \"{name}\"? The folder will be moved to the Trash folder?"; "mail.actions.remove_folder.modal.title" = "Remove folder permanently"; "mail.actions.remove_folder.modal.content.with_subfolder" = "Remove folder \"{name}\" and its subfolders permanently?"; "mail.actions.remove_folder.modal.content.without_subfolder" = "Remove folder \"{name}\" permanently?"; "mail.actions.modify_template" = "Modify template"; "mail.actions.save_draft" = "Save as draft"; "mail.actions.save_template" = "Save as template"; "mail.actions.end_template_edition.label" = "Quit"; "mail.actions.end_template_edition.aria" = "Quit editing this template"; "mail.actions.empty_folder.label" = "Empty folder"; "mail.actions.empty_folder.modal.title" = "Empty this folder"; "mail.actions.empty_folder.modal.content" = "Permanently delete all messages in folder \"{name}\"?"; "mail.actions.empty_trash.label" = "Empty trash"; "mail.actions.empty_trash.modal.title" = "Empty trash"; "mail.actions.empty_trash.modal.content.with_subfolder" = "Permanently delete all messages and subfolders in Trash?"; "mail.actions.empty_trash.modal.content.without_subfolder" = "Permanently delete all messages in Trash?"; "mail.actions.new_template" = "New template"; "mail.actions.new_template_full" = "Create a new template"; "mail.actions.print.title" = "Print the last message of the conversation \"{subject}\""; "mail.actions.recover" = "Recover messages"; "mail.compose.save.draft.date_time" = "Draft saved at {time}"; "mail.compose.save.draft.date" = "Draft saved on {date}"; "mail.compose.save.draft.error" = "Error while saving draft"; "mail.compose.save.draft.inprogress" = "Saving..."; "mail.compose.save.error_reason" = "You may be disconnected"; "mail.compose.save.template.date_time" = "Template saved at {time}"; "mail.compose.save.template.date" = "Template saved on {date}"; "mail.compose.save.template.error" = "Error while saving template"; "mail.compose.save.template.inprogress" = "Saving..."; "mail.compose.confirm_delete.draft.title" = "Delete draft"; "mail.compose.confirm_delete.draft.content" = "Are you sure to delete this draft?"; "mail.compose.confirm_delete.template.title" = "Delete template"; "mail.compose.confirm_delete.template.content" = "Are you sure to delete this template?"; "mail.compose.template_chooser.title" = "Apply template on this message"; "mail.compose.template_chooser.search" = "Search template"; "mail.compose.template_chooser.confirm_overwrite.title" = "Overwrite draft content"; "mail.compose.template_chooser.confirm_overwrite.message" = "Your draft will be lost. The recipients, subject and attachments will be preserved."; "mail.compose.template_chooser.confirm_overwrite.action" = "Replace"; "mail.compose.toolbar.delivery_status" = "Request a delivery receipt"; "mail.compose.toolbar.disposition_notification" = "Request a read confirmation"; "mail.compose.toolbar.insert_signature" = "Insert my signature"; "mail.compose.toolbar.use_template" = "Use a template"; "mail.compose.corporate_signature.read_only" = "This content is set by your organization and can't be edited"; "mail.compose.corporate_signature.use_placeholder" = "This content is set by your organization. It can't be edited but you can position it anywhere you like."; "mail.create_subfolder.modal.title" = "Create a subfolder of \"{name}\""; "mail.list.sort.title" = "Sort by"; "mail.list.sort.fields.date.label" = "Date"; "mail.list.sort.fields.date.asc" = "Date (oldest)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.date.desc" = "Date (most recent)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.sender.label" = "From"; "mail.list.sort.fields.sender.asc" = "From (A - Z)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.sender.desc" = "From (Z - A)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.subject.label" = "Subject"; "mail.list.sort.fields.subject.asc" = "Subject (A - Z)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.subject.desc" = "Subject (Z - A)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.size.label" = "Size"; "mail.list.sort.fields.size.asc" = "Size (smallest)"; "mail.list.sort.fields.size.desc" = "Size (largest)"; "mail.rename_folder.modal.title" = "Rename folder \"{name}\""; "mail.rootFolder" = "Root folder"; "mail.shortcuts.print" = "Ctrl + P"; "mail.shortcuts.purge" = "Shift + Delete"; "mail.save.date" = "saved on {date}"; "mail.save.date.time" = "saved at {time}"; "template.eml.mdn.html.notice" = "Note: This read confirmation only indicates the message has been displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read the message content."; "template.eml.mdn.html.quoted" = "{to}{subject}{date}"; "template.eml.mdn.html" = "This is a read confirmation for your message{quoted}{notice}"; "template.eml.mdn.subject" = "Reading confirmation \"{subject}\""; "recipient_picker.addressbook.empty" = "Address book {0} {addressBookName} is empty."; "recipient_picker.addressbook.shared.collected" = "Collected by {user}"; "recipient_picker.addressbook.shared.others" = "{user}'s {addressBookName}"; "recipient_picker.addressbook.shared.personnal" = "{user}'s contacts"; "recipient_picker.search_input.placeholder" = "Search within {addressBookName}"; "recipient_picker.search.no_result" = "No contact containing {search} was found."; "recipient_picker.search.reset" = "Reset search"; "recipient_picker.selected.count" = "{count} contact selected|{count} contacts selected"; "recipient_picker.title" = "Add recipients";