"login.error.1" = "Invalid login or password"; "login.error.10" = "System error"; "login.connect" = "Connect"; "login.welcome" = "Welcome to BlueMind"; "login.login" = "login"; "login.password" = "password"; "login.privateTitle" = "Select this option if you are the only person who uses this computer."; "login.private" = "Private computer"; "login.publicTitle" = "Select this option if you use BlueMind on a public computer. Be sure to log off when you have finished using BlueMind and close all windows to end your session."; "login.public" = "Public computer"; "updatePassword.expiremsg" = "Expired password, update needed"; "updatePassword.currentPassword" = "Current password"; "updatePassword.newPassword" = "New password"; "updatePassword.confirmPassword" = "Confirm new password"; "updatePassword.update" = "Update password"; "updatePassword.unknown" = "System error - Update password fail"; "updatePassword.nullpassword" = "Fill all the fields!"; "updatePassword.passwordnotmatch" = "New passwords not match"; "updatePassword.usernotfound" = "System error - User not found"; "updatePassword.invalidpassword" = "Invalid current password"; "updatePassword.invalidnewpassword" = "Invalid new password"; "updatePassword.invalidParameter" = "Invalid parameter, please check form values"; "updatePassword.emptyNewPassword" = "New password must not be empty"; "updatePassword.invalidCharacterNewPassword" = "New password contains invalid characters"; "updatePassword.mustNotTheSame" = "Current and new password must not be the same"; "updatePassword.logout" = "Logout";