"publicAddress" = "Public address"; "privateAddress" = "Private address"; "externalSharing" = "Share with external people"; "allowPublicAddress" = "Generate public address"; "publicAddressDesc" = "Allow people with your calendar address to subscribe to your calendar and see your public events"; "allowPrivateAddress" = "Allow private address"; "privateAddressDesc" = "Allow people with your calendar address to subscribe to your calendar and see your public and private events"; "resetPrivateAddress" = "Reset private address"; "resetPublicAddress" = "Reset public address"; "aclAccess" = "Access"; "aclRead" = "Can read"; "aclWrite" = "Can update"; "aclAdmin" = "Can update and manage sharing"; "aclCalendarAccess" = "Can invite me"; "aclCalendarRead" = "Can invite me and can see my events"; "aclCalendarReadOnly" = "Can invite me and see my events"; "aclCalendarWrite" = "Can update my events"; "aclCalendarAdmin" = "Can update my events and manage sharing"; "aclDomainCalendarRead" = "Can see events"; "aclDomainCalendarWrite" = "Can update events"; "aclDomainCalendarAdmin" = "Can update events and manage sharing"; "aclAllowPublic" = "Allow public share"; "aclPublic" = "Share with all users"; "aclSpecific" = "Share with specific users or group"; "aclPlaceHolder" = "Add user or group..."; "noSharing" = "No sharing"; "aclEntityToManage" = "Manage sharing of"; "aclResourceCalendarAccess" = "Can book this resource"; "aclResourceCalendarRead" = "Can book this resource and see its bookings"; "aclResourceCalendarWrite" = "Can update its bookings"; "aclResourceCalendarAdmin" = "Can update its bookings and manage its sharing"; "sharedBy" = "shared by"; "contacts" = "My contacts"; "share" = "Share"; "aclBookRead" = "Can see this address book"; "aclBookWrite" = "Can see and update this address book"; "aclBookAdmin" = "Can see, update this address book and manage sharing"; "aclFreebusyRead" = "Can see my freebusy"; "aclFreebusyAdmin" = "Can manage my freebusy sharing"; "aclMailRead" = "Can see my mailbox"; "aclMailWrite" = "Can update my mailbox"; "aclMailAdmin" = "Can update my mailbox and manage sharing";