UNKNOWN=Unknown Error AUTHENTICATION_FAIL=Authentication failed SQL_ERROR=SQL Error NOT_FOUND=Data not found FORBIDDEN=Forbidden INVALID_QUERY=Invalid Query INVALID_XML_RECEIVED=The XML received is invalid INVALID_PARAMETER=The parameter is invalid CHILD_GROUP_MUST_EXIST=The child group must exist INVALID_ID=Invalid ID CANT_DELETE_MYSELF=You are not allowed to delete yourself DELEGATION_RESTRICTION=Due to delegation rights, action not permitted INVALID_PASSWORD=The password is invalid LOGIN_ALREADY_USED=The login is already used GROUP_NAME_ALREADY_USED=The group name is already used INVALID_LOGIN=The login is invalid EMPTY_LASTNAME=The lastname must be set EMPTY_VACATION_MESSAGE=The vacation message is not set INVALID_VACATION_RANGE=The vacation date range is incorrect. VACATION_WITHOUT_MAILBOX=You are not allowed to set vacation: there is no mailbox for this user FORWARDING_WITHOUT_MAILBOX=You are not allowed to set forwarding: there is no mailbox for this user FORWARDING_NOT_ALLOWED=Forwarding is not allowed FORWARDING_INVALID_EMAIL=The email set for forward is invalid FORWARDING_INVALID_LOCAL_COPY=The email set for forward is invalid INVALID_MAIL_SERVER=The mail server set is invalid INVALID_GROUP_NAME=The group name is invalid INVALID_RESOURCE_NAME=The resource name is invalid FORWARDING_TO_OWN_MAILBOX=Mail forwarding cannot be set to origin address SAME_PARENT_AND_CHILD_GROUP=Parent group and child group cannot be the same INCLUSION_GROUP_LOOP=Operation not permitted : loop between included groups GROUPS_PRIVACY=You cannot use privacy group for this operation EMAIL_ALREADY_USED=The email is already used INVALID_EMAIL=The email is invalid MAIL_QUOTA_OVER_DOMAIN_LIMIT=You cannot set mail quota over domain limit NOT_GLOBAL_ADMIN=Operation not permitted : you are not global admin DOMAIN_NAME_ALREADY_USED=The domain name is already used INVALID_MAILSHARE_NAME=The mailshare name is invalid. Please use only lowercase characters (a-z), numbers, periods, and the character - or _. OLD_PASSWORD_WRONG=The password you set for old password is wrong OLD_PASSWORD_SAME_AS_NEW=The old and new passwords are the same IP_ADDRESS_ALREADY_USED=The IP address is already used MBOX_RENAME_FAILED=Mbox rename failed INVALID_HOST_NAME=The host name is invalid INVALID_AD_HOST_NAME=The host name is invalid, or can't be get from DNS EMPTY_EVENT_TITLE=The event title must be set NO_DURATION_EVENT=The event must have different start and end time NO_EVENT_DATE=The event must have a date NO_EVENT_TYPE=The event must have a type EVENT_PRIVACY_INVALID=This event cannot be private EVENT_ERROR=Event error CALENDAR_AUTHORISATION_ERROR=Operation forbidden due to calendar authorisation CONTACT_DOMAIN_FORBIDDEN=The domain of a contact cannot be the Blue Mind domain INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME=The domain name is invalid USER_SPLIT_REQUIRES_SPLIT_DOMAIN=User split requires a split domain SLAVE_RELAY_REQUIRES_SPLIT_DOMAIN=Slave relay requires split domain server SEC_GROUP_RM=Security group removal is forbidden NOT_IN_GLOBAL_DOMAIN=This operation is forbidden in global domain NO_BACKUP_SERVER_FOUND=No backup server found OPERATION_ALREADY_RUNNING=Operation already running FAILURE=Operation failed JOB_FINISHED=Cron job finished INVALID_LICENSE=Invalid subscription HSM_MISSING_POLICY=No email archive policy set INCOMPATIBLE_SMTP_TAGS=Relay and internal smtp roles are not possible on the same server. TAG_ALREADY_EXIST=Tag already exist. PERMISSION_DENIED=Permission denied. LOGIN_NOT_DEFINED=The login must be set before creating an email