"commons.add" = "Add..."; "commons.addReminder" = "Add a reminder"; "commons.reminder.byEmail" = "By E-Mail"; "commons.reminder.compatibleClientWarning" = "A compatible client must be running at reminder time"; "commons.reminder.notificationPopup" = "Notification Popup"; "commons.time.days" = "days"; "commons.time.hours" = "hours"; "commons.time.minutes" = "minutes"; "commons.time.seconds" = "seconds"; "general.logout" = "Logout"; "general.settings" = "My account"; "general.other" = "Other"; "general.reminder.add" = "Add reminder"; "offline.status.dialog.goOffline" = "You are currently online. Would you like to switch offline?"; "offline.status.dialog.goOnline" = "You are currently offline. Would you like to switch online?"; "offline.status.dialog.stayOffline" = "Server is currently unavailable. Would you like to stay offline even if the server become available?"; "offline.status.info" = "You'll work offline. All your changes will be synced next time you log in."; "user.avatar" = "User avatar"; "general.sharedBy" = "Shared by"; #generic dialog message "dialog.ok." = "OK"; "dialog.cancel." = "Cancel"; "dialog.yes." = "Yes"; "dialog.no." = "No"; "dialog.save." = "Save"; "dialog.continue." = "Continue"; "goog.ui.dialog.close." = "Close"; "tags.selectOne" = "Select a tag..."; "tags.create" = "Create tag";