"calendar.action.newEvent" = "New event"; "calendar.addCalendar" = "Add a calendar..."; "calendar.chooseColor" = "Choose a personalized color..."; "calendar.back" = "Back to calendar"; "calendar.calendar" = "Calendar"; "calendar.event.addAttendee" = "Add an attendee or a resource..."; # or ['Add an attendee ...'] "calendar.event.add_attachments" = "Add attachment"; "calendar.event.addAttachmentLocal" = "From local PC"; "calendar.event.addAttachmentServer" = "From Server"; "calendar.form.error.attachment.size" = "The attachment exceeds the configured maximal size"; "calendar.form.error.attachment" = "Unknown error occurred while uploading the document"; "calendar.event.addReminder" = "Add a reminder"; "calendar.event.allDay" = "All day"; "calendar.event.acceptPropositions" = "Allow date proposal"; "calendar.event.attendees" = "Attendees"; "calendar.event.date" = "Date"; "calendar.event.dateEnd" = "to"; "calendar.event.delete" = "Delete event"; "calendar.event.delete.caption" = "Would you like to delete this event?"; "calendar.event.description" = "Description"; "calendar.event.detail" = "Detail"; "calendar.event.freeBusy.busy" = "Busy"; "calendar.event.freeBusy.noInformation" = "No information"; "calendar.event.freeBusy.outOfWork" = "Out of office"; "calendar.event.location" = "Location"; "calendar.event.videoconferencing" = "Videoconference"; "calendar.event.videoconferencing.add" = "Add videoconference"; "calendar.event.videoconferencing.join" = "Join videoconference"; "calendar.event.videoconferencing.loading" = "Reservation in progress..."; "calendar.event.videoconferencing.warn" = "Videoconference limited to 2 occupants and 45 minutes"; "calendar.event.modifyDetails" = "Modify details"; "calendar.event.occupation.available" = "Available"; "calendar.form.warning.availability" = "Not all attendees are available"; "calendar.event.occupation.busy" = "Busy"; "calendar.event.occupation.label" = "Show me as"; "calendar.event.organizer" = "Organizer"; "calendar.event.attachments" = "Attachments"; "calendar.event.participation" = "Participation"; "calendar.event.participation.addNote" = "Add a note to the response before sending"; "calendar.event.participation.maybe" = "Maybe"; "calendar.event.participation.notSendResponse" = "Do not send a response"; "calendar.event.participation.sendResponse" = "Send the response now"; "calendar.event.participationOptional" = "Participation optional"; "calendar.event.participationRequired" = "Participation required"; "calendar.action.proposition" = "Propose a date"; "calendar.action.proposition.series" = "Propose a date for the series"; "calendar.event.periodicity.dayOfMonth" = "day of month"; "calendar.event.periodicity.dayOfWeek" = "day of week"; "calendar.event.periodicity.end.label" = "Ends"; "calendar.event.periodicity.end.never" = "Never"; "calendar.event.periodicity.end.on" = "On"; "calendar.event.periodicity.label" = "Repeat every"; "calendar.event.periodicity.monthlyLabel" = "Repeat by"; "calendar.event.periodicity.weeklyLabel" = "Repeat on"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfMonth.first" = "on the first {$day} of {$month}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfMonth.fourth" = "on the fourth {$day} of {$month}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfMonth.last" = "on the last {$day} of {$month}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfMonth.second" = "on the second {$day} of {$month}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfMonth.third" = "on the third {$day} of {$month}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfWeek.first" = "on the first {$day}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfWeek.fourth" = "on the fourth {$day}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfWeek.last" = "on the last {$day}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfWeek.second" = "on the second {$day}"; "calendar.event.position.dayOfWeek.third" = "on the third{$day}"; "calendar.event.privacy.label" = "Privacy"; "calendar.event.privacy.private" = "Private"; "calendar.event.privacy.public" = "Public"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.action.all" = "All events in the series"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.action.allFollowing" = "All the subsequent"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.action.allOtherRemainSame" = "All other events in the series will remain the same."; # or ['All other events in the series will be retained.'] "calendar.event.recurringEvent.action.onlyThisOne" = "Only this instance"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.delete.content" = "Would you like to delete only this event, all events in the series or this and all future events in the series?"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.delete.title" = "Delete recurring event"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.info.allFollowingWillBeChanged" = "This and all the subsequent events will be changed."; # or ['This and all the following events will be deleted.'] "calendar.event.recurringEvent.info.allWillBeChanged" = "All events in the series will be changed."; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.info.allWillBeDeleted" = "All events in the series will be deleted."; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.update.content" = "Would you like to change only this event, all events in the series, or this and all subsequent events in the series?"; "calendar.event.recurringEvent.updateWithoutFollowing.content" = "Would you like to change only this event or all events in the series?"; # or ['Would you like to change only this event or all events in the series ?'] "calendar.event.recurringEvent.update.title" = "Update recurring event"; "calendar.event.reminder" = "Reminder"; "calendar.event.repeat.daily" = "Daily"; "calendar.event.repeat.daily.everyXdays" = "Every {$rruleinterval} days "; "calendar.event.repeat.label" = "Repeat"; "calendar.event.repeat.monthly" = "Monthly"; "calendar.event.repeat.monthly.everyMonth" = "Every month, "; "calendar.event.repeat.monthly.everyXmonths" = "Every {$rruleinterval} months, "; "calendar.event.repeat.monthly.onDayOfMonth" = "on day {$rrulebydate} "; "calendar.event.repeat.none" = "None"; "calendar.event.repeat.repeatLabel" = "Repeat : "; "calendar.event.repeat.until" = "until"; "calendar.event.repeat.times" = "times"; "calendar.event.repeat.weekly" = "Weekly"; "calendar.event.repeat.weekly.everyXweeks" = "Every {$rruleinterval} weeks"; "calendar.event.repeat.weekly.onDay" = "on "; "calendar.event.repeat.weekly.onDayOfWeek" = "on {$rrulebyday} "; "calendar.event.repeat.weekly.onEveryDay" = "on every day"; "calendar.event.repeat.yearly" = "Yearly"; "calendar.event.repeat.yearly.everyXyears" = "Every {$rruleinterval} years, "; "calendar.event.repeat.yearly.everyYear" = "Every year, "; "calendar.event.repeat.yearly.onDayOfYear" = "on {$rrulebydate}"; "calendar.event.tabs.details" = "Information"; "calendar.event.tabs.findAtime" = "Find a time"; "calendar.event.tabs.counters" = "Date proposals"; "calendar.counter.info.organizer" = "The date proposals will be reset when saving this event"; "calendar.counter.acceptProposition" = "Accept proposal"; "calendar.event.tabs.repeat" = "Repeat"; "calendar.event.title" = "Title"; "calendar.eventOccursInPast" = "The event occurs in the past"; "calendar.list.allDay" = "All day"; "calendar.list.hourColumn" = "Hour"; "calendar.list.detailColumn" = "Detail"; "calendar.list.dateColumn" = "Date"; "calendar.list.noPendingEvents" = "No pending events here!"; "calendar.newEvent" = "New event"; "calendar.privateChanges.title" = "Those changes will remain private"; "calendar.sendNotification.title" = "Send an update notification ?"; "calendar.sendNotificationCreation.toAttendees" = "The meeting has been modified, you must send an update to all attendees."; "calendar.sendNotification.toOrganizer" = "Would you like to notify organizer of your changes ?"; "calendar.sendNotification.toAttendees" = "The meeting has been modified, you must send an update to all attendees."; "calendar.dialog.more" = "More options"; "calendar.toolbar.PDFprint" = "Print as PDF"; "calendar.toolbar.all" = "All my events"; "calendar.toolbar.day" = "Day"; "calendar.toolbar.export" = "ICS Export"; "calendar.toolbar.export.prior" = "All my events prior to"; "calendar.toolbar.ics.export" = "Export as ICS"; "calendar.toolbar.ics.import" = "Import ICS"; "calendar.toolbar.import" = "ICS file"; "calendar.toolbar.list" = "List"; "calendar.toolbar.month" = "Month"; "calendar.toolbar.period.next" = "Next period"; "calendar.toolbar.period.previous" = "Previous period"; "calendar.toolbar.print.asPDF" = "Print as PDF"; "calendar.toolbar.print.blackNwhite" = "Black and white"; "calendar.toolbar.print.orientation" = "Orientation"; "calendar.toolbar.print.orientation.auto" = "Auto"; "calendar.toolbar.print.orientation.landscape" = "Landscape"; "calendar.toolbar.print.orientation.portrait" = "Portrait"; "calendar.toolbar.print.preview" = "Print calendar preview"; "calendar.toolbar.print.showDetails" = "Show details"; "calendar.toolbar.refresh" = "Refresh"; "calendar.toolbar.today" = "Today"; "calendar.toolbar.week" = "Week"; "calendar.updatePopup.delete.content" = "Would you like to delete this event?"; "calendar.updatePopup.delete.title" = "Delete event"; "calendar.view.delete" = "Delete this view"; "calendar.view.delete.confirm" = "Would you like to delete this view?"; "calendar.view.myCalendar" = "My calendar"; "calendar.view.myViews" = "My views"; "calendar.view.save" = "Save this view"; "calendar.view.goDefault" = "Go back to my default view"; "calendar.view.updateDefault" = "Set as default view"; "calendar.save_draft" = "Save draft"; "general.calendar" = "Calendar"; "general.calendars" = "Calendars"; "general.cancel" = "Cancel"; "general.days" = "days"; "general.export" = "Export"; "general.hours" = "hours"; "general.label" = "Label"; "general.minutes" = "minutes"; "general.msg.byMail" = "By e-mail"; "general.msg.compatibleClientWarning" = "A compatible client must be running at reminder time"; "general.msg.other" = "Other"; "general.msg.withNotificationPopup" = "With a notification Popup *"; "general.no" = "No"; "general.counter" = "Propose a date"; "general.remove" = "Remove"; "general.save" = "Save"; "general.send" = "Send"; "general.seconds" = "seconds"; "calendar.event.your_date" = "Your proposal"; "calendar.counter.current.event" = "Event date"; "general.tags" = "Tags"; "calendar.event.eventdate" = "Current event date"; # or ['Tag'] "calendar.reminder.action.Email" = "Email"; "calendar.reminder.action.Display" = "Display"; "general.yes" = "Yes"; "calendar.event.participation.accept" = "Accept"; "calendar.event.participation.decline" = "Decline"; "calendar.banner.noPendingEvents" = "No pending events here!"; "calendar.banner.pendingEvents" = "{$count} pending events."; "general.todolists" = "To-do lists"; "calendar.todos.toggle" = "Show/Hide to-do list"; "tasks.section.late" = "Late"; "tasks.section.today" = "Today"; "tasks.section.tomorrow" = "Tomorrow"; "tasks.section.week" = "This week"; "tasks.section.month" = "This month"; "tasks.section.noDueDate" = "No due date"; "search.results.prior" = "Show results prior to"; "search.results.after" = "Show results after"; "calendar.responseComment" = "Response to organizer"; "calendar.update.success" = "Event saved"; "calendar.create.success" = "Event saved"; "generic.createError" = "Error during creation: {$message}"; "generic.updateError" = "Error during update: {$message}"; "calendar.settings.updateError" = "Error during update calendar settings: {$message}"; "calendar.calendars.loadingError" = "Error during calendars loading: {$message}"; "generic.loadingError" = "Error during loading: {$message}"; "generic.deleteError" = "Error during delete: {$message}"; "calendar.delete.success" = "Event deleted"; "calendar.move.error" = "Error during move: {$message}"; "calendar.move.success" = "Event moved"; "calendar.copy.error" = "Error during copy: {$message}"; "calendar.copy.success" = "Event copied"; "calendar.view.create" = "Create view"; "calendar.view.create.success" = "View created"; "calendar.view.udpate.error" = "Error during update: {$message}"; "calendar.view.update.success" = "View udpated"; "calendar.view.udpate" = "Update view"; "calendar.view.delete.success" = "View deleted"; "calendar.toolbar.pending.plural" = "{$pending} invitations"; "calendar.toolbar.pending" = "1 invitation"; "calendar.toolbar.pending.counters.plural" = "{$pending} proposals"; "calendar.toolbar.pending.counters" = "1 proposal"; "calendar.popup.updateParticipation" = "Send response now"; "calendar.popup.updateParticipation.note" = "Add a note to the response before sending"; "calendar.popup.updateParticipation.silent" = "Do not send response"; "general.history" = "History"; "calendar.popup.note.title" = "Add a note"; "general.after" = "After"; "general.occurrences" = "occurrences"; "general.notice.notSynchronized" = "Not all modifications are synchronized with the server yet."; "calendar.form.error.title" = "Title cannot be empty"; "calendar.privateChanges.content" = "You are about to make changes that will only be reflected on this calendar. Do you still want to continue?"; "calendar.event.leave.dialog" = "Do you really want to leave ?"; "calendar.event.leave.dialog.button.leave" = "Leave"; "calendar.event.leave.dialog.button.stay" = "Stay"; "calendar.event.leave.dialog.unsaved" = "You have unsaved modifications, changes you made will be lost. Do you really want to leave?"; "calendar.event.leave.dialog.unsent" = "You have unsent modifications, changes you made will not be sent to attendees. Do you really want to leave?"; "calendar.event.change_attendees.dialog" = "You have added or deleted attendees"; "calendar.event.change_attendees.caption" = "Do you want to send an update only to changed attendees, or to all attendees?"; "calendar.event.change_attendees.button.send_all" = "Send to All"; "calendar.event.change_attendees.button.send_changed" = "Send to Changed"; "calendar.action.duplicateOccurrence" = "Duplicate this instance"; "calendar.action.duplicate" = "Duplicate"; "calendar.action.forward" = "Add an attendee"; "calendar.action.forwardOccurrence" = "Add an attendee to this instance"; "calendar.counter.rejectall" = "Reject all"; "calendar.counter.accept" = "Accept"; "calendar.counter.refuse" = "Reject"; "calendar.form.error.videoconferencing" = "Failed to fetch videoconference infos"; "calendar.freebusy.busy" = "Busy"; "calendar.freebusy.busyunavailable" = "Unavailable"; "calendar.freebusy.busytentative" = "Tentative";