"nginx" = "Nginx"; "swPassword" = "Monitoring and setup wizard password"; "reverseProxyTab" = "Reverse Proxy"; "nginxWorker" = "Worker connections"; "httpProxy" = "HTTP proxy"; "httpProxyEnabled" = "Enable"; "httpProxyHelp" = "HTTP proxy is used by BlueMind to check BlueMind subscription and synchronise calendar using ICS URL"; "httpProxyHostname" = "Server hostname or IP"; "httpProxyPort" = "Server port"; "httpProxyLogin" = "Login"; "httpProxyPassword" = "Password"; "httpProxyExceptions" = "Exceptions"; "httpProxyExceptionsHelp" = "Comma separated list of simple hostname pattern matching using \"*\" are supported, but only as prefixes. eg: domain.tld,*.domain.tld"; "externalUrl" = "Global external URL"; "general" = "General"; "externalUrlHelp" = "FQDN only. eg: bluemind.domain.tld"; "otherUrls" = "Other global URLs"; "otherUrlsHelp" = "Space separated list of additional FQDN. eg: \"alias1.bluemind.domain.tld alias2.bluemind.domain.tld\" ";