"title" = "Subskriptionen verwalten"; "uploadLicense" = "Install subscription"; "deleteLicense" = "Remove subscription"; "updateLicenseButton" = "Update subscription"; "invalid" = "This file isn't a Blue Mind subscription file"; "failToDeploy" = "Fail to deploy Blue Mind subscription file"; "unknown" = "Unknown error while processing Blue Mind subscription file"; "noLicense" = "No installed subscription"; "licenseInformation" = "A subscription is currently installed"; "unableToDetermineInstalledLicense" = "Unable to check if a subscription is installed"; "licenseNoInformations" = "A subscription is installed, update Blue Mind to get its information"; "lic_signed_customer" = "Kunde"; "lic_signed_customer_code" = "Kundencode"; "lic_signed_license_available_before" = "Ende des Abonnements"; "lic_signed_license_type" = "Typ des Abonnements"; "lic_signed_part" = "Signatur"; "licStarts" = "Beginn des Abonnements"; "licEnds" = "Ende des Abonnements"; "licFullAccounts" = "Maximale Anzahl kollaborativer Benutzerkonten"; "installFullAccounts" = "Aktuelle Anzahl kollaborativer Benutzerkonten"; "subscriptionUpdated" = "Abonnement aktualisiert"; "subscriptionDeleted" = "Abonnement gelöscht"; "bmVersion" = "Version"; "subscriptionMaxAccounts" = "Benutzerkonten (max)"; "installationAccounts" = "Aktuelle Anzahl kollaborativer Benutzerkonten"; "installationSimpleAccounts" = "Aktuelle Anzahl von Standard-Benutzerkonten"; "subscriptionMaxSimpleAccounts" = "Maximale Anzahl von Standard-Benutzerkonten"; "subscriptionMaxVisioAccounts" = "Maximale Anzahl an erweiterten Videokonferenz-Konten"; "visioAccounts" = "Aktuelle Anzahl an erweiterten Videokonferenz-Konten"; "subscriptionStarts" = "Beginn des Abonnements"; "subscriptionEnds" = "Ende des Abonnements"; "subscriptionIdentifier" = "Abonnement-Identifikation"; "subscriptionPostInstallInformations" = "Das Abonnement erfordert die Installation folgender Softwarepakete
  - bm-setup-wizard :
full-featured version of the Setup and Update Wizard

Other optional packages are available :
  - bm-connector-outlook and bm-plugin-core-outlook :
Outlook connector
- bm-plugin-core-ad-import : ActiveDirectory import tool"; "videoSubscriptionEnds" = "videoSubscriptionEnds";