"name" = "Domain uid"; "nameColumn" = "Id"; "defaultAlias" = "Name (eg. mycompany.com)"; "defaultAliasColumn" = "Name"; "mailServices" = "Mail services"; "shouldCreateAdmin" = "Create an administrator in this domain"; "adminLogin" = "Login"; "adminPassword" = "Password"; "editTitle" = "Domain: \" {0} \""; "generalTab" = "General"; "generalFieldset" = "Definition"; "description" = "Description"; "isActive" = "Active"; "alias" = "Aliases"; "propertiesFieldset" = "Properties"; "newDomain" = "New domain"; "rmDomain" = "Delete"; "search" = "Search"; "hsmTab" = "Archive"; "imTab" = "Instant Messaging"; "addressBooksTab" = "Address books"; "mailSystemTab" = "Mail System"; "indexingTab" = "Indexing / Searching"; "bmServicesTab" = "BM Services"; "filtersTab" = "Filters"; "archiveTab" = "Email Archiving Policy"; "tagsTab" = "Tags"; "instantMessagingTab" = "Instant Messaging"; "definition" = "Definition"; "aliases" = "Aliases"; "language" = "Language"; "dateFormat" = "Date format"; "timeFormat" = "Time format"; "domain" = "Domain"; "add" = "Add"; "imPublicAuth" = "Allow public authorization"; "imAuthorizedEntities" = "Authorized entities"; "imAuth" = "Authorization"; "archname" = "Name"; "indexing" = "Indexing server"; "coreServer" = "Core Server"; "mqServer" = "MQ Server"; "ssoProxy" = "SSO Proxy"; "adminConsole" = "Admin console"; "calendarApplication" = "Calendar application"; "webmailApplication" = "Webmail application"; "contactApplication" = "Contact application"; "settingsApplication" = "Settings application"; "defaultAppRedirector" = "Default app redirector"; "reverseProxy" = "Reverse proxy HTTPS"; "database" = "Database"; "influxDb" = "Influx DB metrics database"; "mailSystemInfo" = "BlueMind Mail Servers"; "internalMailServer" = "Internal mail server"; "mailRelay" = "Mail relay"; "mailboxStorageServer" = "Mailbox storage server"; "mailArchiveServer" = "Mailbox archive server"; "fileHostingServer" = "Filehosting server"; "mailStorage" = "Mail Storage"; "mailRouting" = "Mail Routing"; "relayforSplittedDomains" = "Relay for split domains"; "forwardUnknownEmails" = "Forward unknown emails to smtp relay"; "mailService" = "Mailservice"; "createAdmin" = "Create Admin"; "login" = "Login"; "password" = "Password"; "inbox" = "Inbox"; "outbox" = "Outbox"; "drafts" = "Drafts"; "sent" = "Sent"; "trash" = "Trash"; "maxUsers" = "Maximum number of users"; "maxBasicAccount" = "Maximum number of basic accounts"; "maxUsersTooltip" = "Fill in with a value > 0 to allow simple accounts"; "maxVisioAccount" = "Maximum number of full videoconferencing accounts"; "maxVisioUsersTooltip" = "Fill in with a value > 0 to allow video conferencing accounts"; "invalidMaxUsers" = "Invalid maximum number of users. Must be an integer greater than 0."; "invalidMaxBasicAccount" = "Invalid maximum number of basic accounts. Must be an integer."; "invalidMaxVisioAccount" = "Invalid maximum number of video conferencing accounts. Must be an integer."; "mailflowRules" = "Mailflow rules"; "andRule" = "And"; "orRule" = "Or"; "notRule" = "Not"; "xorRule" = "Xor"; "matchAlwaysRule" = "Match always"; "senderInOURule" = "Sender is on OU"; "senderInGroupRule" = "Sender is member of group"; "senderIsRule" = "Sender is"; "signatureAction" = "Add a signature"; "isDisclaimer" = "(Webmail only) Remove the personal signature"; "usePlaceholder" = "Authorize individual signature placement"; "removePrevious" = "Remove all occurrences of this signature"; "addAssignment" = "Add Rule/Action assignment"; "removeAssignment" = "Delete Rule/Action assignment"; "recipientIsExternalRule" = "One recipient is external"; "recipientIsInternalRule" = "All recipients are internal"; "sendDateIsBeforeRule" = "Mail has been sent before date"; "sendDateIsAfterRule" = "Mail has been sent after date"; "addRule" = "Add rule"; "addAction" = "Add action"; "removeAction" = "Remove action"; "executionMode" = "Execution mode"; "routing" = "Mail flow"; "journalingAction" = "Add a journaling action"; "addTargetEmail" = "Add a target email"; "addEmailsFiltered" = "Add emails to filter for journaling (all the emails of the domain will be forwarded if no email is filled in)"; "invalidJournalingEmail" = "Invalid email address: {0}"; "delete" = "Delete"; "position" = "Priority"; "group" = "Group"; "domainDeleted" = "Domain {0} deleted"; "deletingDomain" = "Deleting domain {0}"; "externalCalendars" = "External calendars"; "minDelay" = "Minimum time between two synchronizations"; "hour" = "hour"; "hours" = "hours"; "minute" = "minute"; "minutes" = "minutes"; "minDelayWarning" = "Warning! Too many synchronizations may severely deteriorate the performances of the server!"; "minDelayMinutes" = "⤷Custom value in minutes"; "other" = "OtherinvalidAdminLogin"; "invalidAdminLogin" = "Invalid administrator login"; "invalidAdminPassword" = "Invalid administrator password"; "passwordLifetime" = "Password lifetime in days"; "passwordLifetimeTooltip" = "Fill in with a value > 0 to enable password expiration or empty to disable"; "invalidPasswordLifetime" = "Invalid password lifetime. Must be an integer greater than 0."; "addSubjectPrefix" = "Add prefix to subject"; "addSubjectSuffix" = "Add suffix to subject"; "updateSubjectAction" = "Update mail subject"; "timezone" = "Time zone"; "applyToAll" = "This modification will be applied to all users using the current value"; "externalUrl" = "External URL"; "defaultDomain" = "Default domain"; "domainSecurity" = "Security"; "domainCertificate" = "Certificate and Encryption"; "externalUrlHelp" = "FQDN only. eg: bluemind.domain.tld"; "domainUid" = "Domain UID"; "otherUrls" = "Other URLs"; "otherUrlsHelp" = "Space separated list of additional FQDN. eg: \"alias1.bluemind.domain.tld alias2.bluemind.domain.tld\""; "openIdRegistrations" = "OpenID"; "systemIdentifier" = "System identifier"; "endpoint" = "OpenID endpoint URL"; "applicationId" = "Application ID"; "applicationSecret" = "Application secret"; "tokenEndpoint" = "Token endpoint URL"; "smimeCertificate" = "S/MIME certificates"; "compositionFont" = "Font composition"; "domainAuthentication" = "Authentication";