authTypeChoice=Authentication choice authType=Authentication authInternal=Internal authCAS=CAS authKerberos=Kerberos authOpenID=OpenID authParameters=Authentication parameters casUrl=CAS server URL casUrlInvalid=CAS URL should be a valid http(s) url and end with / krbAdDomain=Active Directory domain krbAdDomainInvalid=Active Directory must not be empty krbAdIp=Active Directory server krbAdIpInvalid=Active Directory server must not be empty krbAdKeytabUpload=Active Directory keytab file keytabContentInvalid=Missing keytab file krbKtpassPrincNameLabel=ktpass command principal name krbKtpassPrincNameHelp=useful to generate the keytab file on Active Directory server openidConfUrl=Third-party OpenId server URL openidConfUrlInvalid=Third-party OpenId server URL must not be empty openidClientId=OpenId client ID openidClientIdInvalid=OpenId client ID must not be empty openidClientSecret=OpenId client secret openidClientSecretInvalid=OpenId client secret must not be empty