"name" = "Názov Organizačnej Jednotky"; "parent" = "Materská Organizačná Jednotka"; "qCreate" = "Vytvoriť Organizačnú Jednotku"; "qUpdate" = "Rename Organizational Unit"; "delete" = "Vymazať"; "browse" = "Organizačné Jednotky"; "invalidOuName" = "Invalid Organizational Unit Name"; "resName" = "Display Name"; "resEmail" = "Email"; "resUnit" = "Organizational Unit"; "resType" = "Type"; "ouResourceTab" = "Related Resources"; "emptyResourceTable" = "Select one or more Organization Units above to manage their associated resources"; "notFoundResourceTable" = "No resource found for the Organization Unit: {0}"; "massNotFoundResourceTable" = "No resource found for the {0} selected organizational units "; "resourceOuSelection" = "Resources associated with the organizational unit: {0}"; "massResourceOuSelection" = "Resources associated with {0} selected organizational units "; "ouRoleTab" = "Related Roles"; "emptyRoleTable" = "Select an Organization Unit above to manage its related roles"; "emptyRoleAdminTable" = "No administrator was found for the Organizational Unit: {0}"; "roleOuSelection" = "Roles associated with the Organization Unit {0} by user or group"; "massRoleOuSelection" = "Select only one Organization Unit to manage its associated roles"; "forbiddenMultiEdition" = "Select only one Organizational Units to edit"; "forbiddenRootEdition" = "Unable to rename a root Organization Unit"; "forbiddenRoleCreation" = "Unable to create an Organization Unit with your access rights"; "forbiddenRoleEdition" = "Unable to rename an Organization Unit with your access rights"; "forbiddenRoleDeletion" = "Unable to delete an Organization Unit with your access rights"; "notDeletedConfirmation" = "Organizational Unit: {0} cannot be deleted, delete only Organizational Unit: {1} ?"; "notMassDeletedConfirmation" = "Organizational Units: {0} cannot be deleted, delete only Organizational Units: {1} ?"; "forbiddenDeletion" = "None of the selected Organizational Unit(s) can be deleted because they have associated resources";