editTitle=User : ''{0}'' generalTab=General mailTab=Mail accountName=Account name contactTab=Contact deviceTab=Devices maintenanceTab=Maintenance firstName=Firstname lastName=Lastname displayName=Display Name login=Login password=Password confirmPassword=Confirm password direction=Direction desc=Description delegation=Member of delegation delegationTarget=Admin of delegation profile=Profile archive=Suspended groups=Groups enableMail=Enable email for this user mail=Emails forward=Forward emails vacation=Vacation responder quota=Quota changePicture=Click to change picture passwordMismatch=Passwords do not match calPermsTab=Calendar sharing mboxPermsTab=Mailbox sharing mobileDevices=Mobile devices identity=Identity type=Type lastSync=Last Sync noDevice=No devices registered confirmDevicePartnershipRemoval=Forbid this device to synchronize ? confirmDevicePartnershipAddition=Allow this device to synchronize ? addPartnership=Allow this device to synchronize removePartnership=Forbid this device to synchronize customEmail=Email outOfBMEmail=You should provide a valid email for each user. For example, it is used for email notifications in calendar extMailDesc=All those emails will be routed to your alternate mail system routingInternal=Blue Mind email routingExternal=Alternate mail server routingNone=No email processing partnership=Partnership confirmDeviceRemoveSyncKeys=Reset this device synchronization ? deviceRemoveSyncKeys=Reset sync confirmDeviceRemoval=Remove device {0}? asUser=As the user editGroupMembership=Edit group membership storagePolicyTab=Archive clientSettings=User settings mailSettings=Update Mail application settings for this user calendarSettings=Update Calendar application settings for this user contactsSettings=Update Contacts application settings for this user mailboxReindex=Repair mailbox search index clearLocalData=Clear user''s client cache wipeDevice=Remote wipe unwipeDevice=Cancel remote wipe confirmWipeDevice=Do you really want to remote wipe {0}''s device identifier {1}? confirmWipeDeviceWarning=WARNING confirmWipeDeviceWarningMsg=Remote wipe will erase all the data (corporate and personal) and reset the device to the factory default. confirmWipeDevicePromptPlaceholder=Please enter the device identifier confirmWipeDevicePromptCheckFail=Wrong identifier. Remote wipe will not be performed. confirmUnwipeDevice=Cancel remote wipe {0}''s device {1}? refreshDevicesList=Refresh list