"check_memory" = "Memory size"; "reason_low_memory" = "Less than 6000MB were detected. This value is a minimum for production use with default settings."; "check_elasticsearch" = "Elasticsearch cluster is not operational"; "check_servers" = "Servers are reachable and up to date"; "check_corecount" = "CPU count"; "reason_less_than_two_cores" = "You need at least two cores (physical or virtual)."; "check_en_us" = "en_US.UTF-8 locale availability"; "reason_missing_locale" = "en_US.UTF-8 locale is missing on your computer. Consult your Linux distribution documentation to add it."; "check_outdated" = "Setup wizard version"; "reason_lower_sw_version" = "Setup wizard version is smaller than your BlueMind installation."; "check_hostname" = "Hostname validity"; "reason_broken_hostname" = "Missing or invalid hostname"; "check_license" = "Subscription verification (internet access required)"; "reason_unknown" = "Verification failure"; "reason_missing_license" = "Missing subscription."; "reason_invalid_license" = "Invalid subscription."; "reason_failed_to_verify" = "Subscription check failed. Please make sure BlueMind Setup Wizard can connect to the internet (https)."; "check_pg" = "PostgreSQL validity"; "check_upgraders_ok" = "Upgraders OK"; "check_upgraders_subscription" = "Upgraders not OK (invalid subscription)"; "check_upgraders_package" = "Upgraders not OK (install bm-plugin-core-subscription package)"; "check_subscription_package" = "bm-plugin-core-subscription is missing"; "check_subscription_package_ok" = "bm-plugin-core-subscription is installed"; "check_subscriptionContact" = "Subscription contacts";