Install the packagebm-ldap-role on the server on which you want the LDAP directory to run (which may be the BlueMind server or another separate server)
while logged in as admin0, go to the admin console > Application Servers
if your are using a separate server that does not exist yet, add it using the button New > Host
select the server and go to the "Server roles" tab
in the "LDAP Directory" section, check "LDAP master directory created by BlueMind":
Click "Save" to confirm
Next, link this server to the domains as desired. To do this, go to the section Domain Management > Manage Domains and:
select the domain you want to export in LDAP format
go to the "BM Services" tab
select the server for the service with the same name "LDAP master directory created by BlueMind":
Click "Save" to confirm
Repeat this process for each domain as required.
Sv translation
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BlueMind ermöglicht den Export eines Verzeichnisses im LDAP-Format, damit es von anderen Anwendungen, z. B. einem LDAP-Verzeichnis, gesehen und aufgerufen werden kann.
Auf dem Server, auf dem das LDAP-Verzeichnis laufen soll (dies kann der BlueMind-Server selbst oder ein separater Server sein) das Paket bm-ldap-role installieren: