Comparaison des versions


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Commentaire: Published by Scroll Versions from space DA and version BM-3.5


Sv translation


BlueMind incorporates a complete shared calendar with many features, such as:

  • daily, weekly, monthly and list view 
  • multi-calendar, multi-user views
  • available time slot search
  • full-text search
  • rights and delegations management
  • Outlook synchronization
  • Thunderbird integration
  • mobility management for smartphones and tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry)
  • calendar printing
  • recurring events, exceptions, private appointments...

On this page:


Les calendriers externes

Display and navigation

The primary default view of the BlueMind calendar is made up of the following parts:

  • : task bar, which allows you to switch between applications.
  • : search for and go to a specific date. Scroll through months using the arrows and then click on the date. The main display area then shows the period including the date selected (day, week, or month depending on the current settings).
  • : list of calendars currently displayed, as well as access to views and tags.
  • : search engine that allows you to look for events by name, tag, details, participant, etc.
  • : shows your calendar as well as those you are subscribed to and/or other selected calendars (users, resources).
    • The buttons in the top left corner of the main area allow you to go return to the period that includes the current date and navigate to previous or later dates.
    • The buttons in the top right corner allow you to choose the period or the type of display as well as access to printing and ics import/export. The tools menu also allows you to refresh the current view:

  • : the task panel may be shown or hide with the button on the top right

Events are marked with icons that give you a quick view of their properties:

  •  event with multiple attendees
  • private event
  •  recurring event

Working with meetings

In BlueMind 3.5 events include more details and offer more customization options.

Custom meeting versions

Each participant now has their own version of a meeting. This means they can modify it (location, category, note, etc.) or set a different attendance status for an occurrence of a series of meetings: they can accept the whole series but indicate that they will not attend one or several occurrences, for instance.

Organising and participating in meetings


In order to be better able to manage meetings, organizers must now be a participant in the meetings they organize.

To delegate an event or a meeting's management, c'est-à-dire la créer directement sur un agenda (utilisateur, ressource ou calendrier partagé), the meeting's creator must have writing rights ("Can update my events") on the calendar, l'afficher dans sa vue et désigner celui-ci comme organisateur.

E.g., if John Doe wants to create a new meeting in John Smith's calendar:

  • the user "Smith" must grant the right "Can edit my events" to the user "Doe"
  • Doe displays Smith's calendar 
  • Doe creates an event, selecting Smith
    • in the "Calendar" drop-down list, to quick-create an event:

      Note: the event color changes immediately and takes the color of J. Smith's events
    • in the "Organizer" drop-down list for the detailed event creation form:

Le cas des ressources

Les ressources fonctionnent comme des utilisateurs.

Ainsi, de même que dans le cas général, pour créer un événement directement dans l'agenda de la ressource, l'utilisateur doit avoir le droit "Peut modifier ses événements" et positionner celle-ci en organisatrice.

Si l'utilisateur est pourvu d'un simple droit de réservation, il doit alors créer un événement dans son propre agenda et y inviter la ressource.

De plus, la version 3.5 améliore les fonctionnalités de réservation de ressources en permettant, dans certains cas, une réservation automatique ou l'empêchement de doubles réservations. Retrouvez plus de détails sur la page consacrée aux ressources.

Les calendriers de domaines


Le comportement des agendas de domaine change dans BlueMind 3.5

Le nouveau comportement

Les calendriers de domaines ne sont plus considérés comme des entités physiques au même titre que les utilisateurs et ressources. Ces calendriers sont dorénavant considérés comme des calendriers servant à l'information des utilisateurs, pour faire connaître par exemple les jours fériés, les jours de fermeture de l'entreprise, les événements commerciaux (salons, présentations...) ou municipaux (réunion du conseil, exposition, conseil d'école, etc.), les formations, les actions d'une équipe, etc.

Par conséquent, les calendriers de domaine ne peuvent plus être positionnés en organisateurs de réunions ni y être invités, comme c'était le cas avec BlueMind 3.0.

Nouvelle pratique

Les agendas de domaine pouvaient être utilisés dans 2 cas :

  • l'agenda d'information, via lequel les utilisateurs peuvent consulter des informations.
    L'agenda de domaine est toujours le bon moyen de gérer ce type de d'agenda.
    Par exemple un agenda marketing contenant les salons auxquels l'équipe commerciale participe, ou encore un agenda de mairie informant des réunions et événements organisés.
  • l'agenda opérationnel, servant à créer des événements pour des utilisateurs.
    Il faut à présent utiliser un agenda de ressource pour permettre ce fonctionnement.
    Par exemple sur un agenda des astreintes : on crée un événement hebdomadaire "astreinte week-end" et chaque semaine on y invite l'utilisateur concerné. Cela permet de centraliser l'information mais aussi aux utilisateurs d'accepter, refuser ou indiquer leur indisponibilité.

Invitations and notifications

When a meeting is created, if the organizer chooses not to send invitations, participants are not notified by email and the meeting is not shown in their calendar.

Similarly, when invitees accept or decline participation, only the meeting organizer receives notifications and centralizes the meeting's information.


If no notification is sent, only the user's own version is modified.

This means that participants other than the organizer cannot see other participants' statuses. To see them, they must look at the organizer's version of the meeting, provided the organizer has given them reading rights on their calendar:

bm_legendThe same meeting as viewed by John Smith on the organizer's calendar and on his own.

Multiple calendars

BlueMind allows users to create and use as many personal calendars as they like and to manage how they are shared the same way they would their default calendar.

Creating a new calendar

To create a new calendar:

  • go to preferences > Calendar section > "My calendars" tab
  • in the "new calendar" section at the top of the tab, select the "Simple" calendar type and name it:
  • click "Add" and the calendar is added to your list of calendars:

Editing a calendar

To edit a calendar's name:

  • go to preferences > Calendar section > "My calendars" tab
  • in the "Calendars" section, click the calendar's name to open the text box and enable the action buttons:
  • Enter the new name and 
    • confirm with enter or by clicking the check mark at the end of the text box
    • cancel by clicking the "x" at the end of the text box

Deleting a calendar

To delete a calendar:

  • go to preferences > Calendar section > "My calendars" tab
  • in the "Calendars" section, click the trash icon  at the end of the row

Default user calendars cannot be deleted.

Sharing availability

In calendar preferences (see above), the "Freebusy" column allows users to select which calendar(s) will be used when other users search their availability to invite them to an event.


Availability on default user calendars cannot be disabled. To avoid this, that box is grayed out and cannot be un-checked.

Once you've selected the calendar(s), fill in the "freebusy sharing" form:

  • either by enabling public share which makes availability visible to all domain users
  • or by specifying "share with specific people or group":

Sharing can be set as:

  • Can see my freebusy
  • Can manage my freebusy sharing


To print the current view, open the Tools menu at the top right of the main display area:

The printing dialog box offers you to print the current view as a calendar or as a list and printing options allow you to preview the selection:

The weekly view shown above produces the following pdf file: calendarSemaine.pdf

The list view shown above produces the following pdf file: calendarListe.pdf

Click "Save" to download the file.

  • The drop-down list allows you to force printing as portrait or landscape. By default, automatic mode is selected and adapts to the contents printed.
  • The "Black and white" check box allows you to print in gray scale: each calendar will be printed in a different shade of gray in order to improve readability and tell events apart
  • In "list" view, an extra check box allows you to print event details.

ICS Export and Import

ICS exporting and importing is available from the Tools menu at the top right of the main display area:

ICS Export

The dialog box that opens allows you to select the calendar and the events you want to export. By clicking "Export", you are offered to download or open the corresponding ICS file depending on the user's environment configuration:

ICS Import 

The dialog box that opens allows you look for a file on your computer and select the calendar in which you want to import the events. You can choose from all the calendars you have write access to:

ICS Synchronization

See External Calendars