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Commentaire: Published by Scroll Versions from space DA and version BM-3


Sv translation


In addition to personal or group calendars, BlueMind allows you to manage resource calendars (vehicles, rooms, video projectors, etc.).

The administrator can create new resources and delegate their management to users.

You can check for resource availability through the available/busy feature, just like you would for a person's calendar.


On this page:


Administration des ressources

Resource rights

You can be granted the following rights levels for resources:

  1. Booking: you can link a resource to a meeting and make a booking request.  
  2. Booking and viewing: in addition to right number 1, you can view the resource's calendar, see its reservations and requests pending. 
  3. Modifying bookings: in addition to rights number 2, you can modify resource bookings (accept, reject, edit, move, delete, etc.). In this case you are appointed resource manager.
  4. Modifying bookings and managing shares: in addition to rights number 3 as resource manager, you are able to modify and grant share rights for this resource.

When you are appointed resource manager (level 3 or 4), the resource's calendar is automatically added to your subscriptions and appears in your default calendar view.

To remove the resource from default calendar view:

  • Go to user settings > Calendar > Subscriptions tab.
  • Click Image Removed at the end of the row to remove the resource.
  • Click "Save" at the bottom of the page to validate.

Booking a resource 

To book a resource, follow the steps below:

  1. Add the resource you want to book to the list of event participants, either when you create or edit the event. You can check its availability just like you would for attendees:

  2. When you save an event, you can choose whether to send an invitation or not. This invitation is a resource booking request sent by email.
  3. The resource's appointed manager(s) receive(s) a request via Calendar alert if the resource's calendar is currently displayed in their application and by email if an invitation has been sent.

    bm_legendThe manager can accept the request from within the booking request email

    bm_legendThe manager can see the resource's event as pending validation

  4. There are several ways for the resource manager to validate a booking request:

    • In Mail, through the "Participation" links in the email received. 
    • In Calendar, in the pending events list (click the number icon in the navigation toolbar).
    • In Calendar by clicking the event:
  5. You are then notified whether your request has been accepted or rejected.



Can a resource have several simultaneous bookings?

Yes, if the resource manager(s) validate(s) several booking requests for a same time slot, the resource will have several simultaneous reservations.

When you make a reservation, you are warned that the resource is unavailable but you can make a request anyway, which the manager can accept. It is up to the resource manager to check bookings in the resource's calendar and accept requests for the same time slot or not (shared cars or meeting rooms, for example).

User FAQs

Autocomplete does not suggest the resource I am looking for 

Check with your administrator or the resource manager that you have indeed been granted booking rights. 

Resource manager FAQs 

I do not receive booking alerts    

Look in your calendar's left pane and check that the resource calendar is shown in the list.

I do get booking alerts but I can't see the event or any other in my calendar

Check in your calendar's left pane and make sure that the resource calendar is not grayed out: if it is, this means that the calendar is there (therefore you get an alert) but not shown (events are hidden). 

I want to quit managing a resource 

You can delete your own resource management rights by going to user settings > Calendar > Sharings tab:

  • Select the resource from the drop-down menu.  
  • Edit or delete your rights in the list of authorized users or groups.  

If you lower your share rights, the shared resource editing window remains accessible until you leave the user settings window. Changes take effect immediately, and if you try to make other changes (to add new rights, for example), they will not be taken into account and you will get an error message («Operation not permitted») telling you that you are not allowed to do this.

