Comparaison des versions


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Commentaire: Published by Scroll Versions from space DA and version BM-3.5


Sv translation


With BlueMind 3.5.10 you can install a CLI (Command Line Interface) which can be used to perform BlueMind administration tasks in command line without having to create scripts.

When coupled with the bm-tick monitoring system, it can be used, among others, to manage it.

This page provides installation and use information, including practical examples. A dedicated sub-page provides more details on bm-cli command references.


On this page:



Reference des commandes bm-cli


titleVersions earlier than 3.5.14

If you haven't updated BlueMind to the latest published version, there may be a conflict between the packages installed because bm-cli will install its latest available version.

To avoid this, you can:

  • either update your BlueMind installation beforehand (recommended solution)
  • or force the version number in the subscription before installing bm-cli in the same version as your BlueMind.
    To do this, edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bm.list and remplace "3.5" by the version number you want to use in the url:

Bloc de code
#deb /

Note: we recommend that you copy the command line – as above – and comment the first version by adding # at the beginning of the line. This will make going back easier.
when you do this, the version for your entire BlueMind installation is frozen. Once the packages are installed, remember to change the version number back to the generic number so that you can update BlueMind in due course.

The bm-cli client is installed through a dedicated package on the server – available from BlueMind 3.5.10:

Tabs group

No restart is required, the commands are effective immediately.

Using the client


Commands are passed using a terminal straight onto the server, connected via ssh for instance.

For example, the following command can help you find out a user's address books:

Bloc de code
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact list jdoe@bluemind.loc
{"owner":"05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","uid":"book:Contacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","name":"My contacts"}
{"owner":"05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","uid":"book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","name":"Collected contacts"}

Getting help


Commands are improved with every version of BlueMind. You may have more or fewer commands depending on the version you have installed.

Make sure you check the "bm-cli help" command to find out which commands are available.


Bloc de code
# bm-cli help
usage: bm-cli <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used bm-cli commands are:
    calendar      calendar task(s)
    contact       contact task(s)
    help          Display help information
    maintenance   maintenance task(s)
    tick          tick task(s)
    user          user task(s)

See 'bm-cli help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

This installation – version 3.5.11 – includes calendar, contacts and user commands which did not exist in earlier versions.

You can get help on a command, sub-command, how to use it and its options using "help" at any time.

E.g. "help maintenance" shows the maintenance command and the actions it can perform:

Bloc de code
# bm-cli help maintenance
        bm-cli maintenance - maintenance task(s)

        bm-cli maintenance
        bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex [--workers <workers>]
        bm-cli maintenance list [--workers <workers>]
        bm-cli maintenance repair [--dry] [--workers <workers>]

        With no arguments, List directory entries

            List directory entries

For more details about a sub-command, type it to get help, e.g. about index consolidation:

Bloc de code
# bm-cli help maintenance consolidateIndex
        bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex - Consolidate a mailbox index

        bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex [--workers <workers>] [--] <target>

        --workers <workers>
            run with X workers

Practical examples

Administration and Maintenance

Performing a domain-wide check&repair

The following command is used to perform a "check and repair" on all domain users using 4 threads:

Bloc de code
bm-cli maintenance repair --numworkers 4

Changing the admin0 password

For multiple reasons – technical or practical, e.g. in case of loss -- you may need to change the admin0 user's password without logging into BlueMind.

The following command allows you to do this without knowing the old password:

Bloc de code
bm-cli user update admin0@global.virt --password "NewPassword"

Updating Tick configuration

When the Bm-Tick monitoring tool is installed, you can use it to perform administration tasks. E.g. you can roll out the configuration on all domain servers again using the following command:

Bloc de code
# bm-cli tick reconfigure

--dry is added to test the command: the operation is merely simulated

Bloc de code
# bm-cli tick reconfigure --dry

Operations on users

Deleting archived (suspended) domain users

titleversion info

The "bm-cli user" command will be available from BlueMind 3.5.11.

Commands can be coupled to perform several operations at once.

E.g. the command below is used to look for the email addresses of suspended users:

Bloc de code
bm-cli user get --archived --display "email"

You can then couple this command 's return with a "delete" command to remove all the users it returns:

Bloc de code
bm-cli user get local.lan --display "email" | jq -r '.[].email' > /tmp/archived.txt
while read account; do bm-cli user delete --dry $account ;done < /tmp/archived.txt

Operations on calendars

Sharing all user calendars with one user

It may be useful for one user to have access privileges on all user calendars without being given an administrator role (e.g. a secretary might be able to view/create events for all other employees). To avoid having to go through each user's page to enable sharing, this can be done in command line.

This cannot be done with a single command, but you can create a loop which picks up all domain users and enables sharing for each of them:

Bloc de code
bm-cli users get > /tmp/
while read account; do bm-cli calendar share $account « default » r;done < /tmp/

Operations on contacts

The procedure below can be used to clean a user's collected address book and transfer their contacts to their personal address book (and testing the import process beforehand):

Bloc de code
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact list jdoe@bluemind.loc
{"owner":"05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","uid":"book:Contacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","name":"My contacts"}
{"owner":"05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","uid":"book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18","name":"Collected contacts"}
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact deduplicate jdoe@bluemind.loc --addressbook-uid book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18
2 were removed out of 35
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact export jdoe@bluemind.loc --vcf-file-path /tmp/jdoe-collected.vcf --addressbook-uid book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18
addressbook book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18 of jdoe@bluemind.loc was exported
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact import jdoe@bluemind.loc --vcf-file-path /tmp/jdoe-collected.vcf --addressbook-uid 408C741B-3FDC-44B6-B1FD-19E79404BFCF --dry
DRY : AddressBook 408C741B-3FDC-44B6-B1FD-19E79404BFCF of jdoe@bluemind.loc was imported
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact import jdoe@bluemind.loc --vcf-file-path /tmp/jdoe-collected.vcf --addressbook-uid 408C741B-3FDC-44B6-B1FD-19E79404BFCF
AddressBook 408C741B-3FDC-44B6-B1FD-19E79404BFCF of jdoe@bluemind.loc was imported
root@mail:~# bm-cli contact reset jdoe@bluemind.loc --addressbook-uid book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18
Addressbook book:CollectedContacts_05E25C2C-3643-4ED2-997C-4A4F39933D18 of jdoe@bluemind.loc was reset


L'outil The bm-cli permet d'effectuer des opérations de maintenance sur les utilisateurs, comme par exemple tool is used to perform maintenance operations on users, e.g.:

Bloc de code
bm-cli maintenance repair			#repairs the user
bm-cli maintenance repair --numworkers 4	#repairs all domain users using 4 threads
bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex	#consolidates the index for the user
bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex --from 0 --size 100 #processes the first 100 users returned
bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex --from 101 --size 50 #processes the next 50 users 
bm-cli maintenance consolidateIndex --match '[a-c].*' #processes the entities that startbegin fromwith a, b or c

Installation and upgrade

The subscription includes automatic BlueMind updates, as well as the related additional bm-cli client operations.


Ces opérations étant sensibles et risquées, ce sont des commandes à réserver à une utilisation par des administrateurs avancés.

These operations are sensitive and risky. Related commands should therefore be used by advanced administrators only.

To access these commandsTo do this, you need to install the CLI plugin:

Bloc de code
apt install bm-plugin-cli-setup


The additional "setup" command is then available:

Bloc de code
bm-cli help setup	#for help on available arguments and how to use them
bm-cli setup install --external-url --domain --sw-pass Passw0rd
bm-cli setup install --external-url --domain --sw-pass Passw0rd --set-contact --reinstall
bm-cli setup upgrade #lance#starts la procédure de mise à jour postthe post-installation enupdate lieuprocedure etinstead placeunrolling du déroulement de l'the browser-based url https://<>/setup via un navigateur
  • --external-url: BlueMind's external url 
  • --domain
  • --set-contact: sets the default email address for subscription expiry notifications
  • --sw-pass: sets the admin password for the setupwizard

Procédure de mise à jour

Update procedure

To update the installation in command line using the Pour réaliser une mise à jour de l'installation en ligne de commande au moyen de l'outil bm-cli , la procédure suit le même déroulement que pour une mise à jour classique tool, the procedure is the same as for a standard update procedure:

  1. Preparing for the update:
    NB : cette commande est disponible à partir de la Note: this command is available from version 3.5.14
    La commande The "bm-cli setup" permet de paramétrer la version vers laquelle on souhaite mettre à jourcommand is used to set the version you want to update.
    • type the following command to update to the latest available version:

      Bloc de code
      bm-cli setup version latest
    • to update to a specific version, pass the version number as a parameter:

      Bloc de code
      bm-cli setup version 3.5.14-2

      Note: using a major version number (e.g. "3.5" or "4") will have the same result as the "latest" option: the latest minor available version will be installed

    • to freeze a version and prevent updates to above versions:

      Bloc de code
      bm-cli setup version current
  2. Update the packages:


    If you want to minimize service downtime, you can pass the update command with the "download-only" option, which enables you to download all the packages ahead of the update.

    This does not interrupt or slow down services, which means it can be done at any time of day or night.

    You can then run the "upgrade" command at a more convenient time and therefore reduce service downtime.

    Tabs group
  3. Lancer la procédure de mise à jour Launch the update procedure:

    Bloc de code
    bm-cli setup upgrade