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Commentaire: Published by Scroll Versions from space DA and version BM-4.0


Sv translation


BlueMind 3 features a new, powerful search engine that allows you to perform full-text, multi-criteria searches across all the folders you have access to.


On this page:




Using the search engine

Above the search box, a drop-down menu allows you to select the search area:

Use the drop-down list below the search box to select the message status:


Unlike other search criteria, this drop-down list is not reset when you change folders. The view filter remains active.

As you type, several options are displayed for you to refine your search. If no option is selected, the search covers all fields:

Once the search is launched and a search option has been chosen, you can modify it using the menu which is added before the search term the search box:

The text box is always available. That way you can perform multi-criteria searches, on the sender or the message subject for instance:

Each search term can be removed by clicking the "x" next to it:

To delete a search and view all messages again, click the at the end of the search box.


Filters are cumulative: search results will include the messages that meet ALL the criteria set.

Take the following search:

This search brings up the messages from all folders (inbox, sub-folders, recycle bin, shared folders, etc.) sent by anyone whose name includes "john" (first name, last name, address, etc.), with the word "réunion" in the subject field and are flagged.

titleMore about the search engine

BlueMind searches:

  • for exact words: e.g. BlueMind will look for the word "invitation" in singular.
  • ignore accents: "réservation" or "reservation" will return the same results.

You can use "*" in order to find part of a word. E.g.:

  • invit*: searches for words starting with "invit", and may return "invited" or "invitation".
  • inv*ion: searches for words starting with "in" and finishing with "ion" such as "invitation" or "invention".

The "*" character cannot however be used at the beginning of a string.

In addition, response time for searches using "*" is significantly longer than for plain searches.

