Comparaison des versions


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  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


Sv translation


To access task preferences, go to "My Account" by clicking your username to the right of the navigation bar:




On this page:



Les taches



To-do lists

The first tab allows you to manage your to-do lists, in addition to what you can do within the application itself:

Image Modified

By default, each user has a personal list named "My To-do List", which cannot be edited or deleted.

Creating a to-do List

To create a to-do list:

  • Enter a name
  • Click the "Add" button

The list is shown below and is immediately available in the application.

Editing to-do lists

To rename a list, click its name to open the text box:

Image Modified

Enter the new name and click the check mark at the end of the row to confirm, or type Enter or simply leave the box:

Image Modified


Until you have confirmed your changes, you can click the "x" at the end of the row to cancel them: Image Modified

Deleting to-do lists

To delete a to-do list, click the Image Modified trash icon at the end of the corresponding row:

Image Modified


The tasks contained in the list will be deleted with the list.

Subscribing to a to-do list

This tab allows you to subscribe to to-do lists or to access your lists to enable their synchronization for offline or third-party client (thick client software or mobile device):

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When synchronization is enabled for a list, the data is downloaded into the software client. As a result:


Synchronization EnabledSynchronization Disabled
Web Application and ThunderbirdTasks can be viewed and are available offlineTasks can be viewed online but unavailable offline

Tasks can be viewed and are available offline through the Reminders app

Tasks cannot be viewed
EAS (other)

If your device allows it(refer to the Compatibility page for more details):
- tasks can be viewed
- tasks are available offline

Tasks cannot be viewed

DAVTasks can be viewed and are available offline
Outlook- Tasks can be viewed and are available offline
- If a subscription is added in Outlook, it is automatically added in BlueMind
Tasks cannot be viewed


When a list contains a large amount of data (more than 9,000 tasks), you will receive a warning message about possible synchronization issues.

To add a list:

  • Type the name of the list you are looking for (user, resource, ...).
  • Press <Enter> to confirm or choose from the list of autocomplete suggestions.
  • Disable synchronization if desired.
  • Click "Save" to apply changes.

To delete a list:

  • Click  Image Modified  at the end of the row.
  • Click "Save" to apply changes.


You must click "Save" for the change in synchronization status to be applied then run synchronization again (or wait for automatic synchronization) on the client software for changes to be applied (data download and viewing if enabling, data deletion if disabling).

Managing Sharing

BlueMind allows you to share to-do lists with others to make them available for viewing or to create shared lists with read and write rights.

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Possible sharing rights are:

  • Read rights: users are able to view tasks only, by displaying the list in their calendar view or in their Tasks application.
  • Read and write rights: in addition being able to view tasks, users can edit, create or delete tasks from the list.
  • Read and write and sharing management rights: in addition to the rights above, users can manage task sharing from their preferences.

To share a list:

  1. Choose the list from the drop-down list at the top of the tab.
    Users can share: 
    • their personal lists: "My To-do lists" or other lists created
    • the lists they have a delegation on: they have been given the right "Can updated and manage sharing"
  2. If you want to make a list public, check the box "Allow public share" and select the rights level you want to give users.
  3. Recommended choice : If you prefer to assign rights individually to certain users or a group, look for their name in the text box and select the right you want to give them.
  4. Once all rights are set as desired, click "Save" to confirm