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Commentaire: Published by Scroll Versions from space DA and version BM-3


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 This article is addressed to users with a professional subscription to BlueMind


A BlueMind subscription gives you access to the connector which allows you to synchronize domain user accounts with Outlook's email client.

This connector allows you to synchronize the BlueMind calendar and its settings as well as user address books.



On this page:



Synchronizing with Thunderbird

 Installing and setting up


The installation assistant wizard has not been localized in English yet and is only available in French for the time being. This guide is designed to take you through every screen and help you through installation even if you don't speak French.

Installing the connector

Download the Outlook connector corresponding to your version of Outlook from the Downloads section in BlueMind settings:

Double-click the .exe file you just downloaded to start installation:

Click "Accepter" to confirm that you agree to the terms of the license agreement and start installing.

Once extracted, the Windows components required for installation are shown. Click "Installer":

The connector's installation wizard starts up.

Follow the four installation steps by clicking "Suivant" on each screen and finally "Fermer" to close the wizard when the process is complete:

Setting up the connector

Once installed, you need to set up the connector to synchronize with your BlueMind account.

Open the BlueMind server configuration dialog box:

  • Outlook 2007: "Tools/Options" Menu > "BlueMind" tab > "Connect" button.
  • Outlook 2010: "File/BlueMind" Menu > "Connect" button. 
  • Settings:
    • Server: for example ""

    • Login: your BlueMind user name, which has the following format

    • Password: your BlueMind password 

Using the connector

The Outlook connector allows you to use your calendar and manage your contacts and keep them synchronized with the BlueMind server.




Automatic synchronization

The connector synchronizes in the background with the BlueMind server in the background after Outlook's "Send/Receive" task which is performed every 30 minutes by default. Cet intervalle est modifiable en paramétrant les groupes d'envoi/réception You can modify how often send/receive runs in the Send/Receive Groups settings:

  • Outlook 2007: Tools Menu Outils > Envoyer/Recevoir > Paramètres d'envoi/réception > Définir les groupes d'Envoi/RéceptionSend/Receive > Send/Receive settings > Define Send/Receive Groups
  • Outlook 2010/2013: Menu «Envoi/Réception» > Groupes d'envoi/réception > Définir les groupes d'Envoi/RéceptionSend / Receive Menu > Send/Receive Groups > Define Send/Receive Groups

Image Modified


L'intervalle minimum conseillé est de 10 minutes pour éviter que des synchronisations s'enchaînent en permanence.


The minimum send/receive interval recommended is 10 minutes to avoid constant synchronizations.

Manual synchronization

You can force synchronization by clicking "Synchronize".

bm_legendSynchronizing with Outlook 2010


The connector synchronizes the Outlook calendar with your BlueMind Calendar. You can also synchronize the calendars of co-workers who have shared their calendar with you.

  • Outlook 2007: "Tools/Options" Menu > "BlueMind" Tab > "Subscribe" button in the "Multi-calendar" section.

  • Outlook 2010: "File/BlueMind" Menu > "Subscribe" in the "Multi-calendar" section.

bm_legendR/W stands for Read and Write and R stands for Read-only.

Use the search box at the top of the dialog box to filter through the list of calendars.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to a calendar, check or uncheck the appropriate box.


You cannot unsusbcribe from your own calendar.


The connector synchronizes all the contacts in subscribed address books.

By default, the connector synchronizes:

  • Contacts: your default address book.

  • Collected contacts: Outlook's and BlueMind's collected contacts.

  • Directory: the BlueMind users directory.


The "Contacts" and "Collected contacts" address books belong to you, you can add and modify contacts. The Directory, however, is a shared address book you have read-only rights to. Only the administrator is able to edit the contacts it contains.

See Contacts

My address books

You can manage your address books in preferences.

  • Outlook 2007: "Tools/Options" Menu > "BlueMind" tab > "My address books" button in the "Contacts" section.
  • Outlook 2010: "File/BlueMind" Menu > "My address booksbutton in the "Contacts" section.

  • To create a new address book: type a name in the box at the top and click "Add".

  • To edit the name of an address book: double-click it in the list and enter a new name.
  • To delete an address book: select it in the list and click "Delete".


You can manage address book subscriptions in:

  • Outlook 2007: "Tools/Options" Menu > "BlueMind" tab > "Subscribe" button in the "Contacts" section.
  • Outlook 2010: "File/BlueMind" Menu > "Subscribebutton in the "Contacts" section.


To subscribe or unsubscribe to an address book, click the appropriate box. You cannot unsubscribe from a default address book.

Use the search box at the top of the window to filter through the list of address books.

Advanced settings

Advanced settings are available in options: 

  • Outlook 2007: "Tools/Options" Menu > "BlueMind" tab > "Advanced options" button.
  • Outlook 2010: "File/BlueMind" Menu > "Advanced optionsbutton.


You can perform the following operations:

  • Reset: deletes all BlueMind data in Outlook. The data will be retrieved from the server during the next synchronization.
  • Enable advanced logging:  select this option in the event of a connector malfunction.
  • Send report: sends connector log information to BlueMind.
  • Import: imports into BlueMind all the appointments stored in the Outlook calendar before the connector was installed.


Since BlueMind 3, the Outlook connector includes an automatic updates update service. When the connector detects a new version, it downloads and installs it in the background and prompts you to restart Outlook if it was running:

bm_legendMise à jour du connecteur dans Updating the connector in Outlook 2013

Updates for earlier versions

In earlier versions of BlueMind, you need to apply updates manually: download the new version from BlueMind user preferences and follow the same steps as for first installing the connector (see previous section).