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GeneralWhat web browsers and versions does BlueMind support?BlueMind supports the following web browsers:
To find out more about compatibility with web browsers, devices and thick clients compatibility, please refer to the page Compatibility. How can I make BlueMind to my default "mailto:" provider?"mailto:" links allow you to open your default mail software composer directly. To get the BlueMind composer to open when you click on a mailto: link in a web page or an email , for example:
To find out more, please go to the page Advanced settings. Unread messages in my sub-folders are only shown when I view said sub-folder.To change this behavior and force BlueMind to retrieve messages from all folders and sub-folders every time it queries the server:
To find out more, please go to the page Advanced settings. I'd rather reply BELOW the original messageBy default, when When you write a message, the original message is quoted underneath by default. To change this and place the original message at the top of the message with your reply below:
To find out more, please go to the page Advanced settings. Edit as new messageThis option allows you to open a message in the composer, without being shown as a reply or forwarded. To do this, you have several options:
I'd like to use different signatures depending on the recipientTo do this you must create several "Identities" and set up the signature you want for each. When you send a message, all you will need to do is select the identity you want from the sender box and the corresponding signature will be added. Identities also allow you to customize the display name as well as the email alias used. To find out more, go to the page Identities. I have reached my mailbox quota but I can't delete messages to reduce its sizeThis is because when you delete a message using the "delete" button or the "Del" key, it is moved to the trash and to do this it needs to be copied in a temporary directory. This operation is therefore impossible if the space quota has been reached. To free up space in a mailbox whose size quota has been reached, you must delete files directly: select the message(s) you want to delete and type "Shift-Del". You should then be prompted to confirm deletion. To find out more, go to the page La messagerie Mail. I can't see the priority status of incoming messagesTo display messages' priority status in the message list, the Mail application features incorporates a column but it is not shown by default. To display this column:
Note: The column is added and placed in last position. To find out more about organizing columns, go the page La messagerie Mail > chapter 4.1 - Columns and sorting. My shared mailboxes are not shown in the folders listIn some cases, when a user is given privileges on a shared mailbox, the mailbox is not shown in their folders list. This is due to a bug in the webmail's engine display (Roundcube). To show these folders, simply display the folders' list action menu: Having the menu shown on screen should be enough to make the mailbox appear in the list, no further action is required. Instant messagingI can't see the instant messaging icon in BlueMindThis means that instant messaging hasn't been enabled on your domain, or the administrator has chosen to limit this service to certain users only. Contact your administrator or, if you're an administrator, go to the domain management documentation for information on enabling instant messaging. I don't know how to clear my conversations historyThat's right, this feature isn't available in BlueMind's instant messaging application yet. MobilityWhen I try to create an account I get the message "Incorrect username or password"The server and user information entered is correct, and yet this message appears: this means that your administrator has not authorized connections connection to external devices. To fix this there are you have two solutionsoptions:
In order to connect to BlueMind, you need to get help from an administrator. To find out more, please go to the Administrator's guide > Les utilisateurs ou Configuration du serveur EAS. I can't see my sub-folders on my smartphoneThat's right, with the Exchange ActiveSync synchronization protocol, only first-tier directories (inbox, drafts, outbox, sent items, trash) are synchronized, user-created sub-directories are not shown. To be able to access all directories, you must use IMAP synchronization which is however restricted to email messages synchronization. Contacts and calendars will not be shown. To find out more, go to the page about your device in the section Synchronisation des périphériques externes. to access thembutton. Since BlueMind version 3.0.2, sub-folders are also synchronized with the EAS protocol and should be shown. On some devices, this requires you to click the "view all folders"I can't see directory contactsThat's right, with the Exchange ActiveSync synchronization protocol, only personal address books are synchronized with smartphone contacts. However, addresses from other address books (Directory, Collected contacts...) can be accessed through the smartphone's search features (contacts, emails...) For more details, go to the page for your device in the section Synchronizing with mobile phones and tablets. CalendarI can't see a calendar that has been shared with meBy default, users you are only able to see:
To display another calendar, you must subscribe to it:
For more details, please go to Calendar preferences. I can only see two colors in the summary even though my appointment has several tagsThat's right. For readability reasons, calendar appointments only show two colors at the most. For more details go to Les étiquettes (tags)Tags. ContactsI am unable to copy a user to one of my personal address booksTwo internal contacts (both of whose address is addresses are on the domain name) cannot have the same email address. As a result, directory contacts cannot be copied to another address book. . I am unable to create a contact withana BlueMind email addresson the BlueMind domainYou cannot create contacts A contact cannot be created with an email address on with the BlueMind domain email addressname. Only administrators are able to create users (rather than contacts) by assigning them an email address on the domain. These then appear in the directory. I can only see two colors in the summary even though my contact has several tagsThat's right. For readability reasons, summary contact cards only show two colors at the most. For more details go to Les étiquettes (tags). AdministrationI have lost the setup wizard's passwordYou can change the setup wizard's password either through the admin console or in command line, even if you do not know the old password. To do this, please go to the page Mise à jour de BlueMind - chapter 1.1 : Prerequisite: access to the setup wizard. Scheduled jobs are no longer runningThis issue typically occurs after an update during which the bm-setup-wizard package was uninstalled. To check this, the command below should not return anything:
If the package does not appear, install it. If the package is present, contact BlueMind support or ask for help on the forum.