This page is no longer being updated. From BlueMind 4.8, please refer to the new BlueMind documentation

BlueMind has implemented the ActiveSync protocol, a Microsoft-led protocol that has become de facto standard and is used by most smartphones (Android, Windows Phone, iPhone).

As a result, BlueMind should be compatible with all recent smartphones (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Blackberry since version 10). However, on some devices (in particular those running on Android), because of extra sublayers added by phone manufacturers and operators, some issues may arise. BlueMind corrects them as soon as the are detected and analysed.

The Compatibility page lists all the devices whose compatibility with the BlueMind solution has been verified, as well as known issues on other devices. This list changes often, therefore we suggest that you look at it from time to time.

ActiveSync is the preferred synchronization mode as it allows you to synchronize messages as well as contacts and calendars while IMAP only allows access to messages.

ActiveSync synchronization is compatible with all smartphone Email/Gmail (default Android application, depending on device model or version) and Mail (iPhone) apps. You should favor these.

We particularly advise you against the mobile app as the BlueMind message flow to this application passes through the Microsoft servers. From a technical standpoint, we cannot guarantee that it will work well with our Exchange ActiveSync server either.

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