
An experimental BlueMind feature allows users to view several calendars on their smartphones.

This feature is to be used with caution: some known malfunctions haven't been resolved at this time.

Server-side implementation

Configure this feature by creating a system file.

# touch /root/eas.multical

Restart EAS service:

# service bm-eas restart

How it works

For shared calendars to be displayed, users must first subscribe to them in BlueMind, in Parameters > Calendar > Subscriptions.

Known limitations

Android: Google Calendar

On Android, all shared calendars are shown in the same color, which makes it impossible to tell different calendars apart.

Solution: Install a third-party app which lets users choose different colors for different calendars.

E.g. this which has been tried and verified by BlueMind:

Samsung: SPlanner

In Samsung's SPlanner app, all shared calendars merged into the user's calendar.

Solution: Install and use Android's default app Google Calendar.

Note: In some devices/versions, events from secondary calendars are not shown at all in the SPlanner app

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