Subscription contents
The BlueMind Subscription includes:
- The BlueMind Open Source software in guaranteed, supported versions
- updates
- upgrades through new BlueMind versions
- a graphical update tool
- additional components:
Update notifications
Don't forget to sign up for our notifications about new versions - updates and upgrades:
Guaranteed versions with vendor support
The BlueMind Subscription includes identified, vendor-supported versions with updates and upgrades.
Update tool
BlueMind's update tool is straightforward, secure and fast so that updates not remain virtual and are applied quickly.
To ensure scalability, subscriptions include a graphical administration tool for software updates and upgrades. The client can decide when to perform updates.
Subscription types
BlueMind offers different subscription options depending on usage and end user type:
- Prod / Host
- Trial (Testing, Preprod, Dev...)
- Free
Prod / Host
Production / hosting subscriptions allow clients to install and maintain the BlueMind solution according to vendor-agreed characteristics.
Note: Host subscriptions are reserved for our hosting partners.
Trial subscriptions are designed for testing, development or pre-production environments, with a full professional solution for a limited duration and number of users.
A full-feature, free subscription can be offered to certain audiences such as:
- non-profit organizations that operate in the field of Open Source
- major contributors
- individuals – for personal use – with a maximum of 10 accounts.
Validity limits
Who is the subscription administrator?
Subscription administrators are the users who are assigned the role "Manage the BlueMind subscription"
- users without access to the admin console will receive information emails
- users with access to the admin console will receive information emails and will be able to access the page where they will be able to install and update the subscription
Service continuity
During periods when users are unable to connect, the system continues to work. BlueMind isn't blocked, only access to it is: incoming emails continue to come in and are handled by the server, users will find them in their inbox when they are able to access BlueMind again.
Validity date
BlueMind subscriptions are valid until a given date.
For PROD or HOST subscriptions, administrators receive reminders of the impending expiry
- 2 months before the expiry date: an email is sent to domain administrators
- 1 month before the expiry date: an email is sent to domain administrators and a banner appears on their UI as well as the superadministrator's admin0
- on the expiry date:
- an information banner appears in users' UI
- when administrators log in, they are automatically redirected to the subscription management page so that they can correct the situation
- an email is sent to administrators every two days
- 10 days after the expiry date:
- all users are blocked: BlueMind cannot be accessed, including remotely (mobile, third-party software...)
- when they log in, administrators are automatically redirected to the subscription management page so that they can correct the situation
For trial subscriptions, the system is blocked on the expiry date:
- users are no longer able to log into BlueMind
administrators are able to log in and are automatically redirected to the subscription management page so that they can correct the situation
Number of users
The BlueMind subscription entitles clients to a certain number of users.
A 10% excess allowance is provided so that administrators can correct the situation.
Administrators are informed as follows:
- When additional users are created and until the number of users exceeds the subscription's excess allowance:
- an information banner appears in their UI, in the admin console as well as other applications (mail, calendar, etc.)
- a reminder email is sent every 7 days.
- After one month, if the situation has not been addressed (users deleted or subscription adjusted):
- all users' access is blocked: users are no longer able to access to BlueMind, including remotely (mobile, third-party software...)
- an information email is sent to administrators
- administrators with the appropriate rights can log into the admin console in order to correct the situation
If the 10% excess threshold has been reached, creating new users is no longer possible. An information banner appears in administrator's BlueMind UI (admin console, mail, calendar, etc.).