Fetching and building code
BlueMind code is published here: https://forge.bluemind.net/stash/projects/BM/repos/bluemind-public. It is a public copy of our internal repository which follows the following guidelines:
- master branch: main development
- dev/XY branches: base branches for future X.Y.Z-W release (for instance dev/35 for BlueMind 3.5.14-2)
- release/X branches: code for BlueMind released versions. The tip of those branches is static: they are effectively used as tags.
To fetch and build the code:
git clone --depth 1 --branch dev/35 https://forge.bluemind.net/stash/scm/bm/bluemind-public.git cd bluemind-public mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
All BlueMind binary artifacts will be installed in your local maven repository.
git clone https://forge.blue-mind.net/stash/scm/bm/bm-cyrus-imapd.git cd bm-cyrus-imapd ./ci/build_cyrus.sh
git clone https://forge.blue-mind.net/stash/scm/bm/bm-nginx.git cd bm-nginx ./ci/build_nginx.sh
Installing packages on a server that meets the prerequisites is not enough to to have a working BlueMind installation. The following steps must additionally be performed (convenience bm-installwizard package included in the installers does just this).
bm.ini configuration file
The file /etc/bm/bm.ini must be created with the following content (to be tuned to your configuration):
[global] external-url = your-domain.com external-protocol = https host = <YOUR SERVER IP> dbtype = PGSQL db = bj user = bj password = "bj"
Postgresql database
The following instructions are related to postgresql 9.5, to be tuned to your DBMS version.
We propose a configuration that you can adapt to your needs. Replace the following files in /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/:
The postgresql.conf file must be edited to set the value of max_connections option. The recommended value being: <NB CORES> * 10 + 10
The database corresponding to the builder version may be downloaded at the following address: http://pkg.blue-mind.net/db/
The following commands use the example of the 3.0.29 release, and should be adjusted depending on your postgresql configuration:
sudo -u postgres psql create user bj with password 'bj'; create database bj; grant all privileges on database bj to bj; \q sudo -u postgres psql bj < 3.0.23.sql
Insert host information in database :
sudo -u postgres psql insert into host (host_domain_id, host_timeupdate, host_timecreate, host_name, host_ip) values (1, now(), now(), 'bluemind', '<ip_hote>'); insert into hosttag (tag_id, host_id) values ((SELECT id from systemtag where name='bm/core'), 1); \q
Restart BlueMind :
bmctl restart
Finally, we recommend that you set the value kernel.shmmax=300000 in /etc/sysctl.conf.
nginx configuration
The bm-webmail and bm-client-access files (in /etc/nginx/sites-available folder) must be edited to replace all "${externalUrl}
" occurences with the server external URL (as specified in bm.ini), then symlinked to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Then just restart your nginx server to enjoy your new BlueMind system!